Well-Known Member
45 percent thc means the plant is almost HALF THC. that's gnarly shit right there. really hard to imagine that though
..down in los alomas labs?? whick is like a nuclear lab place.. she said the scientist r coming up with 70% thc!! and i was like bull shit!! think it possible??
i was told it was true from a reliable source: Greased up def guy from Quahog
70%thc...ina lab sysnthysized probley who the fuck knows...but as back to the mtf atf talk...mtf was grown in the matnauska vally done virtually buy a single grower who stablized the strain back towards the late 80's some atf defently shows its mtf heritage buts since that strain hasn't been stablized it has different growth patterns amogst different growers....anything different is just stories...peace gb1