most reputable online hydroponic/garden stores


Active Member
in a few weeks i will be building hydroponic or areoponic system. got alot of great ideas from this forum but i dont know what stores i should choose to buy all the supplies, i cant get at local home depot or lowe, from.
i am sure that eerybody uses different online stores but ny suggestions will be much apprecited.
looking for stuff such as net pots, cloning cube, sprayers/misters, nute, rockwool, and maybe even lights.
closest hyrdoponic store to me is hour and a half away. thats alot of money in gas these days so i would rather pay shipping and handeling.
thx in advance


Well-Known Member
growlightexpress and discount hydro they both good ones is my local other just a stand up dude


Well-Known Member
lights and stuff ive gottin from htg on ebay there quick to ship and a good deal. but if your going to buy nutes and stuff i sugest eating the gas and driveing to that store.. pay in cash. my drive is a little under an hour and i go like once every 2 weeks.... Honda Love! but good luck and i hope everything works out for you.


Active Member
lights and stuff ive gottin from htg on ebay there quick to ship and a good deal. but if your going to buy nutes and stuff i sugest eating the gas and driveing to that store.. pay in cash. my drive is a little under an hour and i go like once every 2 weeks.... Honda Love! but good luck and i hope everything works out for you.
curious why not order nutes online? i mean if imma drive 100 miles for nutes why not drive for the whole shabang.?
curious why not get nutes from an online sstore.
maybe you think i am getting ssoil idunno. not soil going hydro or aero.
thank for the input tho, it apprecited.
oh and by they way honda love ;) my truck has a V8 so this trip would cost 4 times as much for me than it would 4 you.
thx peace


Well-Known Member
GrowCo - hands down. Best customer service and free shipping on orders over $250.
Plus they have a good selection and they match prices.