Most UnderRated Movies.


Well-Known Member
I'm going to include the movie Waiting. If you've ever worked in a restaurant you need to see this movie if you haven't.


Well-Known Member
I feel like Gran Torino, Vanilla Sky, and A Beautiful Mind were pretty underrated... I love those movies and most people I know haven't seen them, which is also kind of weird to me..
Gran Torino is on my to see list, oddly enough I stumbled across the film under a top 100 movies of all time listing.

The below never makes any top film listing, and was overshadowed by Goodfellas etc...possibly the most underrated film of all time:



Well-Known Member
This one here, Woods and Downey Jr. rock in this underrated legal thriller:


True Believer, 1989


Well-Known Member
a movie i never heard of but found on my own, i googled it just now the reviews are actually pretty good, surprised i didnt know about it til i found it..
the experiment .. about a jail set up by a professer. pretty insane


Global Moderator
Staff member
Office space gets my vote too !

And Second hand Lions.
That one has become a GWN household regular.



Well-Known Member
fight club, streets of fire, kingpin and detroit rock city. i could watch those redeyed or not.
I wouldnt call fight club under rated, it's critically acclaimed and was a giant success, and most everyone understands references to it.

His name was Robert Paulson.