mother and clones same nutrients?

i have been researching for my first grow for about a week now, i have £5000 set aside for everything but i have a few (hundred) questions

i plan on using a 2 12 pot DWC systems (one for mothers and clones one for flowering) which means one big feeding tank, i plan on having mothers and rooted clones in this system and that means they will have to have the same nutrients, is this a problem?

i also want to use another 12 pot DWC system in a 4 x 8 tent for flowering in 1 month cycles of 4-6 plants a month, this means there will be 4-6 plants that have been flowering one month on the side of the tent and another 4-6 plants that have only just been put in there on the other side. i have the same problem again since there is only 1 feeding tank the all have to get the same nutrients, is it ok to feed my newly flowering plants and 1month in flowering plants the same nutrients?

can i keep mothers and clones on same nutrients
can i keep plants at different stages in flowering the same nutrients


Active Member
i find i run into problems when flowering different stages i give my plants cal mag at week 6 and 7 flushing during 8 and 9 but if i feed cal mag during weeks 2,3,4,5 of flowering i end up oding my plants with cal mag you want to feed different during different stages
i find i run into problems when flowering different stages i give my plants cal mag at week 6 and 7 flushing during 8 and 9 but if i feed cal mag during weeks 2,3,4,5 of flowering i end up oding my plants with cal mag you want to feed different during different stages
i suppose i could just flower all plants at once istead of 1 month cycles to solve that.

what about mother and clones on same nutrients?



feed the plants according to their size, if you have a mature mom you can feed her a full doze of whatever you are using, don't give young plants the same dosage
i read that when your feeding clones they are essentially the same age as the mother so you use the same amount of nutes, but they just drink less. i was just checking to see if it was correct


they are so small and their root systems not as develop, if i take the cuttings and within 2 weeks they start showing their roots, i'd only be feeding em 1/4 of the dosage, 2 weeks later i give em half and 2 after that full, remenber less is more forgiving than more


Well-Known Member
I have a perpetual grow going and right now my 10 flowering ladies have been flowering for 41, 38, 38, 33, 28, 28, 19, 13, 8 and 3 days. There is no confusion as all flowering plants get the same nute-water daily. You have the same situation with a hydro set-up. Put all your flowering plants in your biggest room. I've found that I need about 4 times as much flowering space as vegging space. So, small clone/veg room and large flower room, eh? Make sure all plants are well marked so you can keep them separate. BigSteve.