Mother on week 6, Drooping badly +REP 4 help


Active Member
I have a G13xHAZE mother plant from barneys farm. It is currently on week 6 of veg growth. For some reason the middle of the plant and the growth on its stems is drooping badly and losing color. I am not sure if this could be a lack of light, or some problem with nutrients? I am having trouble finding exactly what it could be even through extensive research..
Some info,
3 CFLS lighting mom, she is around 1 foot 18 inches, Slightly LSTd to the side to keep away from the lights
Water is reverse osmosis PH 6.80, Foxfarm nutrients at 50% strength of the soil chart every other or every third feeding.
She is in Foxfarm ocean forest and happy frog mixed 50 50 in a 12 in pot( could she be pot or root bound?)
Here is a pic of the droopy ness
FView attachment 1042985

the leaves that are directly in the light and on top of the plant are very healthy and do not droop like this. I removed some foilage from the middle section of the plant incase she was having trouble breathing from the dense foilage. Has anyone seen this happen before ? plus rep for help


Active Member
PS it seems to mostly be the small leaves (newest growth) but it does not affect the top of the plant. the fan leaves near the other drooping leaves are also droopy but not all fan leaves are effected.,. Strangeist thing ive seen yet,...


Well-Known Member
i would say your plant is getting pot bound, and has dry chanells in the soil. give her a flush just incase it is some-sort of imbalance, and how quick she "wicks" the water away will tell you how much root mass is in the pot. if it dries in less then 3 days i would transplant to a bigger pot. rule of thumb, 1 foot of plant per 1 gal of soil.
good luck bro!
shes a pretty plant by the way =] lol


Active Member
Hey thanks a ton, That is what im trying right now, I have some clearex i can flush her with and i will watch the speed at which she uses the water up. I did flip her upside down a few days ago because i suspected a root problem. It didnt appear to be root bound, but the roots were lineing the bottom of the pot , i think that is called potbound, as you said. Plus rep as promised and hopefully this will fix the problem.


Well-Known Member
yea, iv flipped my plant upside down to check the roots too haha. but if it doesnt seem to be root, or potbound your soil may just be really compacted and not letting oxygen to the roots, and not obsorbing water. when you flush try to pour it through slowly so you dont push down the soil more. if problems continue after all that i would look into getting more intense light, and better air-flow of fresh air from outside the grow room to the plant.


Active Member
Woopsies, well i didnt see your post about pouring the water slowly and i definitly think it got even more pushed down. It seems like the previously uneffected foilage is now a bit droopy itself, but it may just be my paranoid imagination.. I also adding these crystals to the soil that absorb water and release it slowly when i first transplanted it, Could this have something to do with it? i wonder if that stuff in there can expand and damage roots. I guess there is no way to get more oxygen to the roots now that they are smooshed.. Next time i should add more perlite and other amendments huh?


Well-Known Member
yea, more amendments ta airate the soil would have helped alot. but im pretty sure most of those crystal things expand when they get real wet. i would get a fan blowing gently over the top of the soil, and when my soil get compacted i use a chopstick(or any thing long and slender) to poke tiny holes all around the soil, and rough up the top inch or so after. be really carefull and gentle if you do this.
but its normal for the plant to droop some when you flush, thats a good sign that your roots are still working properly =]
now if it dont bounce back by tomorrow or the next day is when its time to get paranoid lol
i would deffinatly concider transplanting ina few days when it dries a bit to start off neautral ina fresh pot and soil.