Mother Plant/Clone Growbox question


Active Member
What is sorta the minimum dimensions for a decent pair of mothers and some clones? Thanks all!



Active Member
Was thinking of using a 2ft T5 for two mothers and another 2ft T5 for 4 or 5 clones. The space would have to be at least 2ft long. Not too sure on the height though. How high should I allow to grow strong healthy mommies?

Is this even enough light?


Well-Known Member
Id say on the minimum side youre looking at getting (2) 4 foot T5 setup with 8 bulbs..........for max efficiency

So 2 foot deep by 4 feet wide and Id say four feet tall.

This would give you 3 feet tall mommy box and another foot of room for the clones and their light.

But hey thats just how Id do it if I was you.

As a matter of fact Im contemplating a cabinet kit that is prefabbed and ready to go with just a screw driver and some caulk........Ill post more when I can.