mother plant maintenance setups?


Active Member
Hi All,

I did my best searching FAQ's etc. before posting this, but can't seem to locate a clear answer.

I would like to know the best luck others have had at maintaining their mother plants.

Don't know whether to keep them in soil or hydro and, if in hydro to do a DWC, etc.

TIA for the info.


Well-Known Member
How many are you talking about and how big will they be? ie are you going to use liedown method or any other method of keeping it short and bushy.

I need for info and pics would be nice.


Active Member
I haven't started them yet, but I would want 2 plants and have about a 2' by 3' area with 60" of height. I was thinking more about whether the long term maintenance is more well served by soil or a bucket hydro system.
