mother plant question??


Well-Known Member
i would like to create three mother plants from female seeds. i will be going with white widow, killing fields, powerplant. How long do i need to veg for beofre i can take clones? how much light and space do i need for these mothers? how do u maintain a mother? by training?lst, topping??


Active Member
Dude just start your veg cycle let them get around 20 inches then you can cut small clones. Also id go with a 400 watt lighting system. Or you can go to lowes and buy 400 watts worth of floresent lights. You can top if you want to keep your mother short. I prefere not topping but then again im outdoors grower. The sky is my limit! Haha


Active Member
Dude just start your veg cycle let them get around 20 inches then you can cut small clones. Also id go with a 400 watt lighting system. Or you can go to lowes and buy 400 watts worth of floresent lights. You can top if you want to keep your mother short. I prefere not topping but then again im outdoors grower. The sky is my limit! Haha
Ps. You can keep ur mother as long as you dont put it under 12/12.