mother plants keep dieing


Well-Known Member
veging under 1000w MH. everytime i take clones i loose the mother plant.should i put her under floresance for a wk or so after taking the cuttings?growing in hydro,clones do well,but mother plant always dies shortly after cuttings are taken.what am i doing wrong?


Well-Known Member
Are you taking more then half the plant for clones?...if so that's probably the problem...plant just can't handle that much stress so it will just give up and die.


Well-Known Member
How much are yout taking off for clones? If your triming a four foot mother down to two main stems with a little afro on top i'd say you have gone too far. On the other hand if thats not your problem. Are you leaching for too long before you take clones? What abouy pests and airborne pathogens? All of these could be a factor in your problem. What about sterility and the proper equipment? A dirty blade can make a nasty infection. I hope this helps!



Well-Known Member
How much are yout taking off for clones? If your triming a four foot mother down to two main stems with a little afro on top i'd say you have gone too far. On the other hand if thats not your problem. Are you leaching for too long before you take clones? What abouy pests and airborne pathogens? All of these could be a factor in your problem. What about sterility and the proper equipment? A dirty blade can make a nasty infection. I hope this helps!

Good info Stickee!!


Well-Known Member
i take 6 to 8 clones. the clones do good,but mom dies.all other plants are doing great,but the all recieve nutrients from the same reservour.maybe i should keep mother plant seperate from others for a week or so? or that won't change anything. this is only my 2nd grow, and 1st time trying clones. thanks for the input


Well-Known Member
ROWLMAN! Without a doubt 100% you should always keep your mother in a seperate resevoir! That is unless you have a system in which strictly mothers are in. Remember mothers should get a bit of leach before you take clones. Too much nitrogen WILL slow down the cell synthesis it takes to create new roots. Lets not forget as well everyone. Clones should be taken from a mother preferable more than 60 days old. Not only does it take about sixty days for a vegging plant to hits its growing stride. But it also take at least 45 for a plant to show preflowers. In my findings a plant that has shown preflowers before clones are taken. Will indeed have faster flower output! As well as more uniform and tightly compacted growth internodes.