Mother plants


I really don't have an area to keep a mother plant growing while i have others in flower. I really need to keep her small just so she wouldn't stink too bad. Heres the question, everytime i clone can i just start a mother from one of them? Do they lose any traits when you take a clone from a clone from a clone? Anyone have a different idea?



Well-Known Member
Some say their quality or certain traits diminish some say it won't. In my opinion there is no negative effects from it and if there were any problems in the stability I'm thinking it would take 5, 10, maybe 20 YEARS down the line for that to happen if it even does.


Well-Known Member
I am not sure if this will work or not for you, But this is what I do.
I never keep a mother been doing the ones I have now since 09,
What I do is, just take cuttings off the ones I am about to put into my flower room, Not sure if that will work for you or not but that is what I do have not had any problems with mine at all, But if something did happen and your clones didn't make it well you know what happens then, fortunately I haven't had that happen to me but it could.
Not sure if you have room for your veg. Plants or you just have the one room.
It is just an Idea about how I do mine granted you have the veg room.
Good Luck hope you get it figured out..

Budget Buds

Well-Known Member
I have never seen diminishing anything from having a clone, I have a gumboldt strain that is well beyond it's 20th generation of clones taken, Hell when I got it from california 6 or 7 years ago it was prolly already beyond the 20th . That being said, I keep my mothers for one year, from may to may, I take a few clones from the mother in april and in may I take the mothers outside to flower with the natural light cycle, There usually around 18 inches tall when they go out and about 6 feet when harvested. As for no space for a mother, just set aside a little space in your veg room, or buy a 2x2 grow tent and keep then there. Having mothers is a very easy way to keep great genetics around and on the ready :) BB


Well-Known Member
I ran original Northern lights from 1984 to 1996... changed out mom's every third grow.. no problems..
Wish I still had her!!


Well-Known Member
I create a new mother every grow from my clone only strain. My strain started to be cloned in the early 90s and while I have not been growing it since then...I have been smoking it almost since its first cloning. It has not changed and continues to produce primo stuff. I do take the best looking plant each harvest to be the next mother