Mother question


Active Member
Ok so I have a girl that was hidden behind a bunch of bush beans in a container for 4-5 months. (really) She flowered (see pic lol) and then I revegged her. Second pic is 12 weeks of revegging. She has never quit producing pistils ... although just a few.

I would think it was because of her weird life, but the other seeds I have been growing from the same bagseed showed sex during 18/6...well most did. I know this is pretty normal and means the plant is mature, but will she be ok to use as a mother? Is there such a thing as "kind of auto?" The other plant I had that actually grew (also with bush beans) flowered FOREVER under 14/10 ish sun. I see no pistils on the clones, but then again there aren't roots either. :roll: Sorry if it's a really noob question.

beginning of reveg.jpgIMG_2168.jpgIMG_2166.jpg

TIA :eyesmoke:


Active Member
I'd opt to buy seeds. Why waste time. But it'll b ok for a mom. Just might be very slow. Wanna c mine at 4 months look at the pic with the bowl about to be smoked.


Active Member
Really you think that just because she had a rough start (no sun hardly at all) her clones will grow slowly? I'm thinking it's a plus I know she is not prone to hermie under stress too? Maybe?


Well-Known Member
Dropp all, and start a new run...Ooo, and flowering....12 / other way, that means max 12 light and min of 12h darkness....


Active Member
LOL ok now I feel the need to show my pretties even tho you guys are just being helpful!

Pax- the reason this girl flowered at 14/10 is because she was outside in August when the day length was 14/10.

I have my 1st real grow in flower right now but not this girl because she wasn't ready yet. I thought I would use her as a mother hence the questions.

So then do mothers that show pistils under 18/6 make bad mothers?

Tell me they're pretty damn it! :mrgreen: Please click here.



Active Member
i veg at 18 and 6 and c pre flowers always. keep it simple and u will be rewarded. this is all grown in a soil mix only added water and a little extra guano and i fucked these up a bit as well. i grow outdoors with supersoil and add guano, fox farms time release as well. its just that easy. the soil recipe is subcools supersoil, its the best tasting herb ive ever had and very very dense. love it id never go back


Active Member
Dang those are sweeeet. So what strain is that to get those buds at 9 weeks? I'm still a little paranoid to by seeds but I'll prolly break down eventually. I just now had enough guts to post here. :-P

And yeah talk about hit and miss. One of the three I have now is quite a bit different from the others even tho from the same bag.