Mothers Not Entirely Healthy... Help Out?


Well-Known Member
Been at this game for a while now, but I'm new to mothering.

I have three moms total, two Sour Diesel and one White Widow. The moms are kept in the garage away from the flowering\vegging area and I'm having a hard time keeping them healthy.

I took clones Sunday, and in the past when I've taken clones from vegging plants I got roots in about 12 days - I'm expecting these may take a bit longer since they aren't completely healthy?

They are in Roots Organic potting soil, and thus far I haven't added anything to their water. I'm a hydro guy so I'm not sure when they will need nutes.

I'm getting alot of yellowing, more like browning... and some drooping. They have been battling spider mites the entire time which isn't helping my cause right now.

How do you guys keep your moms healthy in a grow tent? The bugs simply won't go away... I could bomb the tent but I'm sure plenty of mites are in the garage and will find their way back in.

As of now I've been spraying with a soy based anti mite product...and also used Floramite about four days ago.

Since administering the floramite they do look a bit better but I'm thinking the mites are gonna come right back. The Widow mom has maintained a nicer green color, while the SD have yellowed a bit and browned too - it almost looks as if I have some sort of deficiency but I'm thinking it's from the pests.

I have heard that product Hot Shots work well for small areas for spider mites - have you guys used 'em?

It's extremely unlikely that I'll be able to get the grow tent completely free of bugs, but as of now I did see some old dead ones... no new mofos climbing around tho.

Do you think throwing a hundred or so lady bugs into the grow tent would be a good idea?

The clones I took from the moms on Sunday all have nice green leaves, so the yellowing and browning has definitely become worse in the last 5 or so days. I was getting webs for a bit and admittedly got a bit lazy with them. Hopefully they bounce back if I stay on the bugs?

Should I be giving any nutes?


Well-Known Member
Actually SD mothers are closer to two months now that I look back on it. I sprayed them with nitrogen twice a while back... but other than that they've gotten nothing.

New growth looks a nicer green than the leaves next in line down the plant... maybe they are re-gaining their health?


Well-Known Member
Yeah, you are probably right. That's kind of a good sign in a way, means I'm not running a dificiency in there, but I need to do something about those fucking bugs..... they are killing me!


Well-Known Member
anyone else have any advice? I'm gonna clean the garage out and hope that helps a bit, but I'm a bit worried about them. What do you guys think of the lady bugs option? Put a fifty or sixty in there and let them do their work.

I run about 74 degrees is there, and it says optimal living conditions for them is 66-88 degrees - could work out.

Any spray I can give them to help with the mite damage?


Well-Known Member
threw in a hot shot or whatever u call growth looks healthy.

wonder if lady bugs would die from the hot shot if i threw them in there too?