

Active Member
What is optimal for a mother plant, the original seed plant or a clone from it?

I have a seed plant that i'm cloning and wonder if sending it through will make any difference compared to growing out a clone.


Well-Known Member
Either way will work fine, depends on you.

Flowering out the seed plant will give you a good idea of growth habits/requirements, more bud (larger plant) and if you even want to keep the clone as a mother after finish; potency/taste. I would do this if you are unsure of the plants genetics, like bagseed.

Flowering out the clone will leave you with a larger plant to take cuts off of if the plant reaches your expectations. I would do it this way if you are pretty sure that the plant is a winner and you will want to do more runs with it.




Active Member
I normally send the seed plant through first, after I take cuttings...this time I have a seed plant that hasn't gone through yet but I have cloned once. Shes a nice full plant and I would like to keep her around if there is any advantage to it. They called this strain Midnight Oil.


Well-Known Member
No particular advantage, but keep her around.

I've done it both ways since I'm still running the same strain. It seems that after about 6 months or so, the host plant just gets too unwieldy and gets a trip to the flower room. Been running this strain for a bit over 1 1/2 years and on my third host plant.



Well-Known Member
no real advantage, but here is my take : cloning is like using a copy machine. take a copy of the original, all is OK. but keep making copies of copies (Seed Original Mom->clone->clone->clone->clone ... etc) leads to genetic drift (how does copy # 20 look? missing ink/spaces, looking distorted.) and lower long term yield/potency (I've even had a couple strains loose smell completely).

so for me, I use the original seed mom until she has problems in her 18gal container (I up-size pots every couple months to avoid rootball/container size problems), then she gets culled and replaced by a 1st generation clone from her. I never go deeper then a 3rd gen clone mom).

a seed mom is usually more vigorous in her growth then subsequent clone moms (same as hybrid vigor)

my 2 coppers


Active Member
Thanx Guys. I'm in 5 gal containers thats been painted with spin-out, so room hasn't been a problem.
excellent posts, i'll keep her around as long as possible.