Movies About Weed


Active Member
Ever have one of those moods when you're smoking that you're so into pot at that moment that you really want to watch a really tight movie about pot? well, can anybody suggest a good movie like that?


Active Member
yeah, that's what i was thinking of earlier tonight, but it's not streaming on netflix and i'm too lazy to download it...

white boy smurf

New Member
mabye if you could try a show about weed. Guess what it is called? ...."Weeds" i got nothing but props for this show. I downloaded all 4 seasons and it is great. Very funny, great show to smoke to. Its all about the game, ou prolly might have heard of it before but if you havent, look into it.


Active Member
please....please....what kind of stoner do you take me for?
i've just watched way to much weeds recently. i'm looking for something that's got that kinda feel, but just not weeds. could be another tv show, could even be a documentary about weed...idk...