"One flew over the CooCoo's Nest" , "True Lies" (think miss piggy droppin an uzi or Kermit all doped up on truth serium killing dudes), "Nothing But
Big Trouble in Little China
Dazed and Confused, would probably be a funny ass movie with muppets
Killer Klowns From Outer Space
and not sure if this one was mentioned before (to lazy to read all the post) but Rocky Horror Picture Show done by the muppets would be fucking great
I was totally gonna put that, i had to look through my other posts cause i thought i had mentioned it, but i only spoke the words to my girlfreind never posted it in here I guess haha at least some one else thought of it also.
I thought of both of those but didn't post em, i didn't want to post broke back cause i never really saw it so... and dawn of the dead was gonna be part of my next mini list