movies to watch high


Active Member
Butterfly Effect, only if you have enough bud to smoke the whole time. Indica!
Step Brothers, break out the bong pack up the Sativa!


New Member
got a bunch dude, i love movies, Dr. Strangelove, A Clockwork Orange, Pee Wee's Big Adventure, Fight Club(especially the first time) and Charlie and the Chocolate factory. the one with johnny depp, don't watch on acid tho.


Active Member
got a bunch dude, i love movies, Dr. Strangelove, A Clockwork Orange, Pee Wee's Big Adventure, Fight Club(especially the first time) and Charlie and the Chocolate factory. the one with johnny depp, don't watch on acid tho.

Napolean Dynamite
Naked Gun(any of them)
Drugstore Cowboys
Dazed and Confused
Rocky IV


New Member
fight club's good until you notice the cock and balls spliced in to the end. and i do believe that the thread is titled movies to watch high... not movies that are good. good movies. fear and loathing, the terminators, all the jay and silent bob's, which work when high better tho. uh. indiana jones( except the new one and temple of doom kinda sucked). what's good to you mr. hater.


New Member
that movie where elvis fights the mummy with the black JFK is good to watch stoned.............uh Bubba Ho-Tep.