Movies-TV Shows you will rewatch and rewatch?

i did as well. don't know how i over looked that one.. it was on today, the best of or top 40 moments of top gear or w/e it was called.. i love all the ones where they go to a different country. the india one was a real pisser, and the vietnam one was great too.. i liked the one where they went to the middle east, pretty funny as well. richard hamond almost got arrested / shot at a check point over a gun lighter, lol..

i love the ones where they build the amphi-cars too.. that one was on today.. i love how they leave anyone when / if they have any sort of problem.. too funny...

i've also been getting into the kitchen nightmares as well.. love gordon ramsey in that show.. so glad i found the bbc channel, lol.. :D

I concur but the American south episode was a close second to the vietnam special. I need to go watch that one again.


I also appreciate Gordon, last summer when he had like three nights a week of prime time on fox it was awesome.
I concur but the American south episode was a close second to the vietnam special. I need to go watch that one again.


I also appreciate Gordon, last summer when he had like three nights a week of prime time on fox it was awesome.

don't know if i've ever seen the southwest one .. odd..
can't wait, new seasons start i think monday night for top gear on the bbc.. :D:D:D:D:D:D:D
don't know if i've ever seen the southwest one .. odd..
can't wait, new seasons start i think monday night for top gear on the bbc.. :D:D:D:D:D:D:D

I know there is a south west one and a south east one. The south west one they have newer American muscle cars but the south east one is the better of the two cause they have to buy a used car and drive it all the way across the south with special messages spray painted on the cars like Hillary for pres and such. Definitely worth the time.
Tv shows would be LOST and Arrested Development and No Reservations. I agree Jericho was great and canceled before its time.

Movies would be Snatch and Hero and Wall-e and damn this is kind of hard.
oh, i forgot about the movie, fuck, what's it called now, damn it, just had it a second ago, lol..
umm, jeremiah johnson, that's it.. epic movie imvho and oh so sad.. who does't well up a bit when he comes back and finds that indian chic and the kid dead?

and how did i forget about cool hand luke??

and a river runs through it is another tear jerker.. what can i say, i'm a sucker for chic flicks.. :D
road to perdition is another great movie...

and requiem for a dream is a fave of mine..
A Bronx tale

A River Runs Through It. That is a damn good movie. Legends of the Fall is another from that era that I watch whenever it's on tv. I like the vengeance in that movie.
A while back, I found China Beach! One of these days I will get my wife to watch that. Somebody digitized VHS recordings. They have never released it on DVD. :(
V for Vendetta
Kill Bill the whole bloody affair
Pink Floyd the Wall
just to mention a few.... Many more on my list
stay high
Just got through freaks and geeks on netflix and being angry about how it was canceled after one season then realizing I'm like almost 15 years to late.
movies i will never get sick of:

who framed roger rabbit
dumb and dumber
forrest gump
the godfather 1 and 2
any of the original ninja turtle movies (yes, even part 3)
serial mom

shows i can watch no matter what:

married with children
the golden girls (fuck you don't judge me)
i love lucy
the simpsons
american dad

The Big Lebowski

The Road Warrior

Apocalypse Now

Troll 2

The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance

Return of the Living Dead


The Outlaw Josey Wales
