Moving...Colorado, Cali or B.C?


Well-Known Member
I've been thinking about moving to Cali or at least spend a year there. But with Colorado's recent legalization it sounds pretty interesting hehe
Also Vancouver sounds pretty awesome too...especially since I love the outdoors.

Why do you love Colorado/Cali/B.C ?


Well-Known Member
CA... I love the grow season here.. had plants year round (used a small g.h for 2 months) but hell I'd move to B.C or least up to where my family is in Bellingham WA.. would hate the grow season and the weather..

ETA... I will admit the cleanest places I have been through were in Can (Thunder Bay area) this was back in the 80's tho.. been to B.C spotless too..


Well-Known Member
I wonder just how open they are to weed (outside of that street with all the shops...) in B.C...


Sector 5 Moderator
I've got some awesome Canadian friends! Here's a little artwork I did for them:OhCanabis.jpg

Click the flag to see the detail.

meechz 024

Active Member
B.C because I get to keep all my canadian liberties, but I would choose Colorado if it wasn't a part of the US. I love Americans but don't want nothing to do with your police state

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
If you want all of the beauty and none of the earthquakes and exploding volcanoes with ash clouds of death, I would go with Colorado. But that's me. I'm paranoid like that.

Rising Moon

Well-Known Member
Good luck at the border. After your 6 month travel visa expires and you move out of your $1200 a month studio apartment, you'll look back and be dissapointed that there wasn't better herb to smoke.

Sorry, Vancouver is great, but it's not the come one, come all stoners! many americans fantisize about.

After living there myself for 3 years going to school. I can honestly say:

Oregon, California and Michigan have WAY better herb!

smoke and coke

Well-Known Member
Good luck at the border. After your 6 month travel visa expires and you move out of your $1200 a month studio apartment, you'll look back and be dissapointed that there wasn't better herb to smoke.

Sorry, Vancouver is great, but it's not the come one, come all stoners! many americans fantisize about.

After living there myself for 3 years going to school. I can honestly say:

Oregon, California and Michigan have WAY better herb!
idk i would love to move because you know the grass is always greener. usually some things will be better and some worse.

as far as the herb being better here or there, it shouldnt matter where you are, grow your own and have the best.


Well-Known Member
If you want all of the beauty and none of the earthquakes and exploding volcanoes with ash clouds of death, I would go with Colorado. But that's me. I'm paranoid like that.
your way too close to yellowstone (super volcano erupts every 600k years... last one 640k ago...) for my liking... not to mention the big one your gonna feel from the New Madrid fault... this is also long over due...