Moving in with a friend running a grow opp??


For a long time now it seems most of my conversations about careers with my friends end up at the growing bud category, but more often then not these ideas were generally accepted as hypothetical until recently.. As more of my friends stopped talking about the idea and just got into it, the concepts started to change from how to make money to how to become invisible. It seems to me the safest route for any serious grower would be to completely separate from the grid, fall off the map. No friends or family visiting, alone tending to the crop for several years until cashing out and slowly entering back into society as a free man. :eyesmoke:

So recently one of my good friends of many years got serious in the green thumb academy and found himself saving up for about 2 years before he found a place, got set up with a partner and went in on now full speed running operation. Things are just getting started and there still in the first run, but his partner has decided the job is more work than he planned for and wants to get bought out.

My friend gave me a call and told me hes looking for a partner ( More or less an apprenticeship ) to help out and in exchange for my time comes free rent, bud, and work to make some extra cash, seems good so far right?

My question to anyone who reads this is what would you do?
Have you ever been in this situation and how did it turn out?
What are some complications that may arrive in working with friends?
Any advice or general thoughts on the situation would be appreciated.



Well-Known Member
know what your getting in to if you dont know how to care for it how can you expect a share so read everything you can on how to care, tend, trim ,harvest, cure, clone, germinate and sex
dont get greedy dont tell anyone you know take what hes telling you as information not demands and remember its his kitchen so you gotta follow his rules
if its a fifty fifty both parties have to hold half of the responsabilities cost and demands or resentment will build
would you want to do someone elses homework or pay for someone elses lunch ?
this can affect a friendship and even ruin it but i think if its a favor to him go into it with all angles covered so theres no confusion and nothing builds other than good intentions


Well-Known Member
ummm...personally id do it, but go into it knowing you are the "apprentice", and he makes the calls. p.s. dont say shit ever about them except to your P.I.C ( partner in crime)


Thanks for the replies,

My main concern would be ruining the friendship, however I think we are mature enough to handle any of the complications that will arrive. Right now if I was to start I would be basically a payed employee rather than a share holder so my cut would be weekly rather than at crop out. I would not be making very much money aside from the expenses of free living with unlimited bud until trimming time then I would be making about a weeks pay in a day. So I would basically be living on the cheap but my lifestyle would be considerably better than it is now (still living with my parents). Right now I think the opportunity sounds pretty good if everything continues to pan out smoothly.
If anybody has any other advice I'd appreciate the input.


Well-Known Member
Yeah it's called partners. Until the stuf harvests out and all of a sudden it's MY weed.
Be sure about your percentage. Don't assume. Get the dirty money stuff out of the way so you can be a slave to your garden like the rest of us. lol.


Well-Known Member
You'd be better off doing it yourself. Been there done that. Scum ripped me off and left the state. Hopefully he got gang raped to death by mountain lions.


bud bootlegger
Yeah it's called partners. Until the stuf harvests out and all of a sudden it's MY weed.
Be sure about your percentage. Don't assume. Get the dirty money stuff out of the way so you can be a slave to your garden like the rest of us. lol.
i think what dannyboy is saying here is vital.. you've got to have a good talk with your body first before you get into anything and get all of the details worked out before you turn a wrench... make sure you know what you're going to be getting out of this at the end of the day, if anything, but just be sure that you know these things first, that way when all of the bud shows up later on, you won't be arguing who's bud is who's..


Well-Known Member
Also, be prepared for the worst. If you do get caught doing this, it could be a long time in prison. Especially if you are in a non-legal state. It is a good deal, because rent/utilities aren't cheap. If you're getting a free place to live, free utilities and money on top of that; you have to remember later on that you are doing a job and earning your keep, not just free loading. It can be easy to get complacent and slack off on doing chores or other things that you are tired of doing.
Keep a damn good lawyer on retainer...because when push comes to shove and if you two get busted (people get busted selling more than growing), he will snitch you out and try to blame it all on you. I personally believe partners are a no-no, but if you feel confident enough to trust that person with your life and freedom, go for it.

Michael Sparks

Active Member
I agree with bamfrivet, but enjoy the experience and gain knowledge. relationships are as easy as you make them, being open and honest with what you are capable of and improving with what you aren't. happy growing man!


Well-Known Member
"The first rule of fight club is. You do not talk about fight club. The second rule about fight club is. YOU DO NOT TALK ABOUT FIGHT CLUB!!!!!" get the drift.

Also it might be wise to find a new location, I know it sets you back as far as your time line goes, but if his old partner knows what is going on and where it is going on, thats a loose end that you might want to tie up by finding a new location.

And as everyone else said; talk with him, let him know what your concerns are, and know what you are getting paid.