Moving inside.....


New Member
Ok, so ive got some years of outside experience, only growing 10ft+ trees but.... Moving inside for the winter. Got a 3x3 space 7'8"height 1000wt light. The plan is 3 5gal buckets, scrog screen.... Strain dr underground crystal m. E. T. H, or green crack, or money maker, or bruce banner. As this is already what ive got outside. The goal is around 2lb harvest..... In soil..... Not interested in hydro. Dont care a damn bit about it....... I am thinking 3 plants scroged and vegged for 2weeks to 5 weeks..... Is 2lbs doable? ......this is what i got, not interested in changing what i have so please no trolls, and no negative nancys. Thanks


Well-Known Member
Possibly if you can control the heat. Is this a tent or a space? You'll need the full 1000 in flower to do it.


New Member
OK, so I've done what your not supposed to do, and read to many "related" posts. And slightly psyched my self out. I'm still hung up on the amount of veg time needed. All I know is I don't want a 2 month veg followed by a 2 month flower. By my logic I could just pop some autos in there and call it a day, but....I go through an ounce every 8 days or so by myself. and if I have company....than I'm looking at 4-5 days. (I like to smoke) so can anyone give me a rough estimate about any of the strains I've listed above¿ I know what they do outside, but can't find any info about what they do inside. Thanks.

My Name is Mike

Well-Known Member
To save all of us some time, is it possible... sure. With you being set on 1 method, auto only, not interested in expanding time needed to yield what you need... odds are working against you and im going to say no, you'll be disappointed.

If you invest the time needed now, do it right and start a perpetual grow, then you'll yield what you need when you need it, but you'll need to be open-minded about what exactly that entails. Itll require a different plan than what you think.

Good luck though.


New Member
Oh, and what about sog, instead of scrog? What kind of trimming and training goes into sog? Thanks
To save all of us some time, is it possible... sure. With you being set on 1 method, auto only, not interested in expanding time needed to yield what you need... odds are working against you and im going to say no, you'll be disappointed.

If you invest the time needed now, do it right and start a perpetual grow, then you'll yield what you need when you need it, but you'll need to be open-minded about what exactly that entails. Itll require a different plan than what you think.

Good luck though.
I don't need a perpetual grow, cuz I've got an outside harvest as a main. The inside is just an "insurance" policy to pick up the slack during off months. As far as the autos, I was being slightly facisious, I know that the auto doesn't compare. Except for the time frame I'm looking for.


New Member
I've considered a 4 room every month harvest, but I just don't want to spend the money on electricity, nor draw unneeded attention with high bills. That's why I'm focused on a 1-2 lb 3 month harvest. Just once a year. I'm deeeeeep in the woods. So outside is my main focus. Like I said, the inside is just a backup. I could just go stupid big outside but I'm at my limits now, only due to a small airport down the road that gives me at least 10 fly overs a day...paranoid...


New Member
By "not interested in changing what I have" I was referring to going hydro, more lights, or room size. Of course I'm open to lay out, # of plants, etc. I am just looking for 'options' to reach my goal with the tools I already have. Always open minded, but the layout I originally listed seems like the easiest, and most practical. As I already use 5gal, and scrog outside.......make sense?