Moving out to Cos. Springs in April!! Any advice on areas to get in?

I came to Colorado like a lot of other people did from out of state because of the booming MMJ bud nugget gold rush... :D ...... then soon after the Colorado legislature started fucking around with stricter MMJ bills and in the process found a way to shutdown the caregivers and cut down on the already over-priced dispensaries making them even more over-priced by increasing their permit fees. I know there are attorneys working on turning that shit back around. In my opinion if a caregiver is producing A+ herb and tries to get $150 an OZ for it, when your average dispensary is getting $300-to-$350 an OZ....then the caregiver is the one doing a fair service to the patient...not the robbing dispensaries. >>>>

Now now,dispensaries HAVE to charge more because of the overhead. We are all fighting to get the prices lowered. I work at one and grow for us as well, and i complain all the time to my boss about why prices are so high and we all get paid so little-but he showed me the other bills and it was a wtf moment for me-he made less than i did last month...

Basically there are too many ripoff dispensaries selling brickweed shit, those of us who care and are trying to give good meds at good prices are getting lost in the shuffle.

And the caregiver thing is getting screwed with now too...5 patients max, and no sale for profit. 1 caregiver per building/house
As for living here and the MMj life -it is the best, not 100% but so much better than not being legal. just keep to yourself with your grow and smoke and you wont have any problems-go on the new and talk about how much your growing - :) see you in 5-10yrs

The worst places in CO are still better than most places in this country. Im from FL and CO is 100x's better, cept for the meth problems in some areas.

I live in Englewood, Centennial is nice if you can afford it. But if you are going to live that far south, stay close to the bases-nice areas and lower crime since its all military. But like everyone said, crime here isnt bad.

Best place to live outside of the islands IMHO
And the caregiver thing is getting screwed with now too...5 patients max, and no sale for profit. 1 caregiver per building/house
As for living here and the MMj life -it is the best, not 100% but so much better than not being legal. just keep to yourself with your grow and smoke and you wont have any problems-go on the new and talk about how much your growing - :) see you in 5-10yrs

The worst places in CO are still better than most places in this country. Im from FL and CO is 100x's better, cept for the meth problems in some areas.

I live in Englewood, Centennial is nice if you can afford it. But if you are going to live that far south, stay close to the bases-nice areas and lower crime since its all military. But like everyone said, crime here isnt bad.

Best place to live outside of the islands IMHO

Im also from Fla., have been here for 4 yrs and im thinkin its time to move on, im orig. from IND. where its a slow pace and not so many damn ppl. Theres way to many ppl down here for me and my fam to have a chance of anything. but as far as the mmj life i think it would be alot better myself so that is one of the reasons were choosing to move out to CO. in april, now as far as the Meth areas, where are the bad spots? Ive never been into dugs and would like to keep the kids from it. We have meth down here too but in certain areas i guess just like everywhere else tho right. crime isnt a big factor because its so high down here i know CO. couldnt compete. But i would like to know where some of the cheaper not ghetto but middle class areas in CO are if anyone knows? I have a younger family so dont need a bad area ya know, lol. Now the for non profit factor, is there a set limit? or is that set between you and your patients in the contract? because its not cheap to produce and give care to people, it can be a full time job depending on what the ailments are and if you have the 5 patient limit, its more than people think. what islands are u talking about?
Now now,dispensaries HAVE to charge more because of the overhead. We are all fighting to get the prices lowered. I work at one and grow for us as well, and i complain all the time to my boss about why prices are so high and we all get paid so little-but he showed me the other bills and it was a wtf moment for me-he made less than i did last month...

Basically there are too many ripoff dispensaries selling brickweed shit, those of us who care and are trying to give good meds at good prices are getting lost in the shuffle.

And the caregiver thing is getting screwed with now too...5 patients max, and no sale for profit. 1 caregiver per building/house
As for living here and the MMj life -it is the best, not 100% but so much better than not being legal. just keep to yourself with your grow and smoke and you wont have any problems-go on the new and talk about how much your growing - :) see you in 5-10yrs

The worst places in CO are still better than most places in this country. Im from FL and CO is 100x's better, cept for the meth problems in some areas.

I live in Englewood, Centennial is nice if you can afford it. But if you are going to live that far south, stay close to the bases-nice areas and lower crime since its all military. But like everyone said, crime here isnt bad.

Best place to live outside of the islands IMHO

That's insane how high the overhead is. But thanks for enlightening us all on the topic.

So you're a contract grower? Doing a little genetic breeding on the side? Must be the best job in the world.