Moving plant from indoor to outdoor


Well-Known Member
Just wondering if anyone here has put an indoor flowering plant outside late in the cycle, mine is week 6 (Monday will be 7) if so what were your experiences? I might have to move mine, I'm having some heat troubles (ac in home is out) and even with windows open and smaller fans running its still hot the plant doesn't seem to mind it but I do! I can say the sun is at full peak between 10am-12pm and is completly down around 9pm

Thanks riu dudes and dudettes!


Well-Known Member
Can you flip your 12/12 so lights come on at night? ( just a suggestion) failing that you can try the outside thing but in my experience it may not be hardy enough to with stand the elements if its been grown in an ideal climate indoors also pests can be a problem.... Just my 2 cents


Well-Known Member
Just wondering if anyone here has put an indoor flowering plant outside late in the cycle, mine is week 6 (Monday will be 7) if so what were your experiences? I might have to move mine, I'm having some heat troubles (ac in home is out) and even with windows open and smaller fans running its still hot the plant doesn't seem to mind it but I do! I can say the sun is at full peak between 10am-12pm and is completly down around 9pm

Thanks riu dudes and dudettes!
indoors they are 12/12 correct? you need to see what the hours are outside. where i'm at it's roughly 15on/9 off. i'd be scared they try to re-veg or hermie on you.

your best bet is either buy a cheap A/C or run the lights at night instead of the day.


Well-Known Member
Once plants are in full bud mode they will stay that way unless you give the too much light "too many days in a row". I bring mine outside often because the July sun beats my enhanced 600 hps any day. I have 9, all in flower and yes I've not kept a true and strict 12/12. They've gotten up to 16 hrs on occasion and their 6 weeks into flowering but keep in mind I'll let them sleep longer to make up for it. Risky? Maybe but Mr. sunshine stands those leaves up like a tea cup



Well-Known Member
My lights have been on 12/12 for six weeks almost seven now, its a pretty tough plant it went through alot before I relocated and that was the first thing that came to mind was pests since the buds are almost finished and Stanky. Revegging and hermieng also came to mind. Alright guys so I checked a site to see what roughly the hours of the sun are and its 13 to 14 on

@Sparadical @rkymtnman @Craig1969SS
Outdoors plants are awesome I like seeing the vigorous growth I just hate the pests right now my problem are these little white flies called wooly something I'm sure you guys seen em