moving plants in-n-out of the house


searched around but no luck...was wondering if it hurts to move the plant in and out of the house? Like if it was a sunny day and i wanted to put the plant outside and stop using lights till the night. Are the plants sensitive to frequent movement? thanks for help in advance

Bob Smith

Well-Known Member
It won't hurt the plants in terms of "movement", but picking up a pest out there and bringing it inside could be quite a pain in the ass.

Just be careful to keep them away from other plants where bugs could get on it and you should be okay.


Well-Known Member
yeah, other than the bug issue its fine. the plant might notice the difference in intensity of the lighting but heres the thing- its totally normal for that. the sun moves throughout the day and clouds also pass overhead sometimes.
I made that mistake last summer/fall with my first grow. I took the plants outside figuring probably the same as you, that the sun is awesome and how can you do better than nature with fresh air and sunshine?
I was WRONG!
What I ended up with is introducing my beautiful babies to SPIDER MITES! And then I brought my babies inside and now I have an environment where I have my plants, they have spider mites. And since they're inside now, the spider mites have no natural enemies, so they flourish like a mo fo and pretty soon, you're lovelies are all covered with them! Leaf stippling was horrible, and the webs were everywhere!
Please leave them inside where you remain in control of their health. Not only this, but you run the risk of getting busted, should someone see them and call johnny-law on you! Be safe and keep your plants safe as well! :)
See the attached pic showing spider mite infestation.


I know this is off topic, but I just joined and I don't see where you can create a NEW message. All I've been able to do is reply to someone else's post. How do I start one of my own??? :-?


Well-Known Member
go to the forum you want to post in and look around towards the top of the page, you should see a button/link that says "new thread".