Moving to Cali but I have some questions


Active Member
First time grower here and have been thinking about different business models also. Everything is moving to delivery and yes, it is very sketchy. I was thinking of going slow and steady and building my own network. I took my live-in girlfriend with me to the doctor to get her card and that allowed me to get my Caregiver card on top of that. I don't just sell her weed I also provide her "Housing" lol. So I was thinking of a way to get rid of extra meds with keeping the risk as minimal as possible. Trying to find patients that can't grow for themselves sounds like a good way to go. Maybe when you first meet them sit and down and talk to them about their needs and let them know that you can help them with other things such as rides to the store/help with the yard so you aren't just selling meds. No sales on the first visit, just building repore and feeling each other out. Personally I would like to screen for the older more mature demographic as opposed to kids that play CoD and live with their parents. If you did this slow and steady and really help with other things as needed I'm sure you can earn a great reputation as well as get better prices for your meds and be "safer" about it. I barely have 4 plants vegging but have the same thoughts as everyone else and am trying to plan for the future :)


Active Member
I am in Cali and as other posted lots of dispensaries closing down. Market saturated, everything is going to delivery and they will be cracking down on that soon. I don't know about the rest of you but I have a modest grow and supplement and try different stuff from a couple local delivery services. These guys all come over with 10-15 different strains, all crazy names and claiming all to be I often find most of the stuff they are pushing is not dank at all, very average....they may have 1-2 strains that catch my eye. I assume it is because they are buying from people who "grow to sell" and giving them good deals as they churn out the crops and not producing the same kind of quality as they would if they grew for their personal. There are still a few niches left in the market, selling not being one. Look at all the companies catering to growers, LED, Snake oils, schools and seminars teaching people how to grow. Not easy to make money off weed unless your selling everything but weed. I still think we need more good growers not sure if the market will allow for that!?


Well-Known Member
This thread is depressing :) But yeah in my considerations lately, Oregon has come back in play for me... I think they're the next state to legalize.... I just hope I get there before they do and it's too late ;) I'm sure if cali goes legal the big interests will make sure everything is highly regulated and expensive to squeeze out the little guys.


Well-Known Member
That is what Washington is on right now. "It will cost growers" thousands of dollars to get "up to code". That way only big timers with a quarter million dollars or more will be able to meet codes. Can you say, Dumb as Funk?
That means business men, not pot smokers, will be coining up.

To all the first time growers and people who want to go some where to grow and make money: Let me save you some time.....YOUR NOT THE FIRST PERSON TO HAVE THIS IDEA....WEED IS NOT THE LOTTERY.....
Your better off hustling that shit illegally if you want to be Scarface or some little kid fantasy shit. Stop smoking for a bit and let your head clear out, I mean really think about for a bit, reasonably.