Moving to Grow


Well-Known Member
So I unfortunately live in the midwest where the laws are draconian as hell and there are very few good spots to grow. Most spots would entail going through other people's land and such. I really hate where I live now and would love being able to do it medically and help people who truly need it. Granted I love growing and smoking, but helping people would be so much more satisfying. Ganj has given me so much and I want to help give something back. So do any of you have any advice for someone like me?


Well-Known Member
moving to grow? i'm taking that as you want to move to in literally move and live somewhere where you will feel more comfortable growing. i've thought about the same thing myself but can't go as of now. but i see it in the future.

i'm thinking cali or oregon...hopefully before too long people can grow in any state or any other place in the world for that matter!


Well-Known Member
moving to grow? i'm taking that as you want to move to in literally move and live somewhere where you will feel more comfortable growing. i've thought about the same thing myself but can't go as of now. but i see it in the future.

i'm thinking cali or oregon...hopefully before too long people can grow in any state or any other place in the world for that matter!
Yes, precisely. True, it is still illegal in every part of the world, even holand included but simply less frowned upon. In some areas however they still tend to treat it like crack cocaine or meth. Also factors for growing outdoors aren't exactly suitable in my location, lots of land development, no isolated locations, and really harsh penalties. I'm talking about moving out west to more open areas with better climates. Personally I hate where I'm living with a passion and I've done my fair shair of traveling. I don't have a lot of personal baggage I don't have any kids and I'm about to have my degree. By the time I would do anything I have that as a backup. But seriously, if you wanted to be a coal miner you'd prolly move to pennslyvania or a crab fisherman in alaska. If you were serious about a good outdoor crop where would you choose to make your perfect garden given all the factors, security and otherwise for a good grow. I'm a lil high but it got me thinking about what it took for that herb to get to my hands, haha. Ya whatever your thoughts tho, peace.


Well-Known Member
yeah dawg...i hear ya brotha

like i said, i've thought of the same thing many many many times. in your situation, with no one holding you to where you live now, there would not be a question in my mind about it. i would go in a heartbeat as soon as i could.

you could go like you say "out west" and do your thing and even meet many other people that have the same thing in common...they don't have to know ALL the details if you know what i mean, but as long as you have grass in common, that's a great start.

for more open areas go to southern oregon, or more inland in cali...or if you don't want to go all the way to the coast go to colorado, nevada or new mexico...these are all mmj states. Hopefully all of the united states will adopt this policy sooner than later.


Well-Known Member
Yea, we've all probably dreamed the same dream, moving to our own little shangri-la where we could have our perfect garden. Most people have too many obligations where they live to be able to transplant themselves into a better growing environment. I've always dreamed of having my own boat as well and that would be a perfect way to go about my business. I could explore little remote areas and have some fun and live a fun life. All my friends in this area seem to be getting knocked up and married like there's no tomorrow. I'm scared that's going to happen to me before I'm able to really shine. I try to live an efficent lifestyle, everything I have is for a purpose. For the most part I could up and move overnight and take all my important stuff with me and be without another worry. I was thinking northern cali because of how much wilderness there is as well as the prevailing attitudes of the people there. I'm just wondering if people out there would be receptive to newcomers with the same hobby?


Well-Known Member
"All my friends in this area seem to be getting knocked up and married like there's no tomorrow. I'm scared that's going to happen to me..."

hahaha, i hear you daddio, that's already happened in my circle as well.

"I'm just wondering if people out there would be receptive to newcomers with the same hobby?"

you know we are a friendly people...i'm sure you would be welcomed with open arms by a majority of the locals

also, that boat idea is freaking grand...i could just see the islands of a giant lake being inhabited by our favorite plant


Well-Known Member
Yea, I just saw that movie "the beach" with leo dicaprio and thought it was fucking badass. Basically they lived on a little remote island in thailand grew herb and traded it for essentials like rice and clothes. They had their own little community like that. They just sailed back to the mainlad every now and then. I'd love to have a boat I lived on and could do all the stuff I wanted. I'm curious bro, do you live in a western state like cali or oregon?


Well-Known Member
don't live there yet, but i can see it in the future as i have the same idea as you....probably northern cali