Moving to MMJ state and going to school! Which to choose?


Well-Known Member
I am a student in a state that is currently under prohibition. I would like to transfer to a school that is in a state that allows MMJ. I know there are 14 MMJ states currently, but not all will give me a MMJ card. I dont have cancer, aids, diseases.. but I do have several mental disorders (and can fake sum)... along with pain when i walk. Nothing that i have can be doucmented by lab results. Basically I gotta rely on getting a good doctor that can doucment my illness without any chemical lab results like they do for aids or cancer.

So im looking for a state that will allow me to grow some weed while attending college for the next couple years. Im tired of waiting for MMJ to come to the midwest and am ready to find a state to move to and then to find a college within that state to attend.

Which states an I move to that will allow me to grow weed (legally) without needing such a serious illness? Should i just keep waiting it out in the midwest or go with my dream and go to whatever state allows me to grow legally? Im just so confused when it comes to this because i love growing but i cant grow legally.

Iron Lion Zion

Well-Known Member
I wouldn't base going to college on weed. The price for out of state tuition would negate any money you would save by growing your own.

To answer your question - California, Oregon, or Washington.


Well-Known Member
I forgot about the out of state tuition rate. But would that be temporarily until i live there for a year? Im not worried about the cost to grow but more worried about the cost if i get busted.


Well-Known Member
go to university of colorado at boulder.
boulder is the most amazing town for getting cannabis.
and if you want the craaaaaazy weed, you can drive to the dispensaries in the mountains.
even if you don't get your card, cannabis is decriminalized in boulder.
in fact, it is worse on your record to get a speeding ticket there.

best town ever.


Well-Known Member
sweet.. ive put alot of thought into moving to colorado... what illness would i need to get a MMJ card?? i have metnal illness.. would this work


Well-Known Member
sweet.. ive put alot of thought into moving to colorado... what illness would i need to get a MMJ card?? i have metnal illness.. would this work
This is really easy. Move to San Diego. Go to San Diego State. There is so much wool there you could knit a sweater. The weather is killer too. Where else can you move and get a surf and snow report? There is so much to do here too. Plus there are some great party and vacations spots in Mexico which is only 15min or so away.

I moved here from NorCal in 96' and people were jet skiing in Mission Bay in January.


Well-Known Member
cali sounds good but i heard its extremely expensive and i survive on student loans only .. which doesnt amount to a whole lot.. just what covers a cheap college and cheap rent... if there was a spot in cali that was cheap to live in then i would totally consider it.. after all cali was the top on my list until i realized how much it cost to live.. then idecided to check out colorado


Well-Known Member
go to oaksterdam university in calli, i dont think there acredited but they have classes like hash making and marijuana cultivation

i would love to go to school and get a degree majoring in hash making


Boulder Colorado is a good bet even if your not licensed it really is decriminalized out here. I have been caught with paraphernalia and small amounts of some potent shit more than
once and never even got a ticket!


Well-Known Member
cali sounds good but i heard its extremely expensive and i survive on student loans only .. which doesnt amount to a whole lot.. just what covers a cheap college and cheap rent... if there was a spot in cali that was cheap to live in then i would totally consider it.. after all cali was the top on my list until i realized how much it cost to live.. then idecided to check out colorado
if you have wheels and don't mind not being right neer campus it isn't too bad. You might need to learn how to speak Spanish though. Near campus a room is $700 or more a month. Away from campus you might find a studio for that. Might...


Active Member
Sounds like you just described California. One day you can go to the beach, the next the forest, then the desert, then the snow, theres a lil everything. You can EASILY get your card out here also, and go to school. You can even go to Oaksterdam for your school as well.