Moving to the US


Well-Known Member
nutes and nugs is such an incompetent shit that he has to worry about losing his job to someone that doesn't even speak english.

i've been dealing with this problem for a few years now , unfortunalty.
where i'm at employers will employ foreigners that know little to no english sheerly because of the wages they get away with paying them.
some smaller companys have been known to be employing and paying 2 polish people to do the job of what one person normally would be. fucking horrendus.


Well-Known Member
Well, I suppose if I'm so desperate to be right, this is my chance : You're a fucking moron.

And with that said, I'm off to be awesome.
And THAT'S why I love the USA. :lol: Where even you can be awesome. :clap:

You have no idea of the depth of problems this country faces
Let's not pretend you know what I do or don't know. I'd feel silly explaining my motivations for caring, but since you seem to think the money is what it's about, I pay a couple of hundred bucks tax a month in the US as well, does that give me the right to defend the greatest country in the world against plain and simple bashing? A country is the sum of its people not the money.

Sunni is one of the nicest people here; as usual, her intent was to try to help. Her posts in this thread have made me like her even more. You, not so much. You should back away on that one; perhaps even apologize.
I'm not judging character, I don't know her. I don't see how the comments I quoted are helpful. "On the contrary" as my British neighbor can pronounce so delicately. Speaking of having no idea... you have no idea of the effects of spreading the decease anti-Americanism. If your doom scenario becomes reality, that's where you should point some fingers as well. Besides that, then the rest of the world will be fucked even more. Like I said "relatively", "positives still outweigh the negatives". What I said to the OP goes for any side: the grass is always greener on the other side.


Well-Known Member
The grass is usually greener wherever bullshit is the thickest.

I think paying some taxes is one thing, but do you live here? Have to put up with the policies that these people are laying down all the time?

If you're not here, in the thick of it, you don't know. This is my home, my home country in which the founding principals are being dismantled, by a group of people who apparently got the idea a few decades ago that if you convince people this is a democracy, they'll just roll with the shit figuring "Ah well, majority rules, maybe we'll win next time." when the fact is the individual's rights are supposed to be held paramount.

Yeah, maybe it's a touchy subject, maybe I get a little aggressive about it, but if you loved America as much as you claimed, and had to live in this society, you'd be pissed about it too. Legislating morality, robbing from the citizens to prop up businesses in what is supposed to be a free market economy, wasting our tax dollars on military equipment even the military doesn't want and says they don't need, getting our troops into situations they don't belong in, and waging war against their own.

Being critical of America, and being rational about what's happening isn't being "Anti-American", it's being a patriot, as defined by our founding fathers and it's not a DISEASE, it's a citizen's duty.


Well-Known Member
Canada is very dependent on the U.S. just as we are them, over 1.9 billion dollars in trade occurs everyday between the two countries. Canada buys more from the U.S. than all 27 members of the EU combined. (source: Brian Herman, Canadian Diplomat, article on So my Canadian friends you guys do infact love it here, you spend huge amounts of money here, I've been on the border for Canada Day, your lousy drivers come over in hordes.

I didn't see in between the insults but did anyone ask the OP what kind of life he was looking for in the U.S.? Rural, city, suburban? What kind of climate? We have just about all of them don't we?


Staff member
Canada is very dependent on the U.S. just as we are them, over 1.9 billion dollars in trade occurs everyday between the two countries. Canada buys more from the U.S. than all 27 members of the EU combined. (source: Brian Herman, Canadian Diplomat, article on So my Canadian friends you guys do infact love it here, you spend huge amounts of money here, I've been on the border for Canada Day, your lousy drivers come over in hordes.

I didn't see in between the insults but did anyone ask the OP what kind of life he was looking for in the U.S.? Rural, city, suburban? What kind of climate? We have just about all of them don't we?
yeah its way back there we asked him what he wanted, he told us, and i told him its best to research and think about other things government wise.


Well-Known Member

OP... Why the hell would you want to move from the UK to the US? We have race violence, police brutality, a fucked federal/state/local judicial network that makes HMMP look like a walk in the park. We have escalating gun violence, escalating federal oversight, a financial melt-down in progress, a progressive president, and radically split senate and house, the nation's divided 4 ways, north/south, and east/west. We have a midwestern section that ranges from the most liberal to the most radical, and all the downsides in effect for both.

If you have skills, you have access to continental Europe. Learn another language or 2, and move on. Seriously, I know illegals that said fuck this and went back the other way! I'm headed south, and then probably back over the ocean. The US is no utopia, it's no greener than the UK, our systems are equally fucked. It's just dollars instead of pounds, and The US... instead of HM...


Well-Known Member
minnesmoker, violent crime is actually declining from the 1990's according to FBI statistics. The media portrayal on the other hand is escalating sensationalism.


Well-Known Member
minnesmoker, violent crime is actually declining from the 1990's according to FBI statistics. The media portrayal on the other hand is escalating sensationalism.
Violent crime, I believe is declining. Large-scale crimes are on the increase though. And, there's now evidence that people are intentionally trying to get "high scores." In some areas (mine, for instance) violent crimes aren't counted the same as a less "high-crime" area. We have crimes lumped, skewing the statistics. I'm not saying, or wasn't trying to say, that we're getting more violent, just that the violence is more pronounced when it happens.

I really don't understand the draw of people from nations that are equally "free" wanting to come to the U.S. Yeah, at one time it might have made sense, but not today. Continental Europe, or Japan are where it's at. In 5-10 years, Dubai will be THE place to be. It's already a bad ass hidden gem if you like tropics, technology, and a fast-paced international culture, with about the same freedoms as the U.S.


Well-Known Member
Violent crime, I believe is declining. Large-scale crimes are on the increase though. And, there's now evidence that people are intentionally trying to get "high scores." In some areas (mine, for instance) violent crimes aren't counted the same as a less "high-crime" area. We have crimes lumped, skewing the statistics. I'm not saying, or wasn't trying to say, that we're getting more violent, just that the violence is more pronounced when it happens.

I really don't understand the draw of people from nations that are equally "free" wanting to come to the U.S. Yeah, at one time it might have made sense, but not today. Continental Europe, or Japan are where it's at. In 5-10 years, Dubai will be THE place to be. It's already a bad ass hidden gem if you like tropics, technology, and a fast-paced international culture, with about the same freedoms as the U.S.
I don't particularly see what would make Europe (also having economic troubles), Japan (recent uptake in violent crimes), or Dubai (I don't think I'd last long in the UAE) such wonderful places...without money. And if you have money, the US is a pretty amazing place to be.


Well-Known Member
Shut up man. what cock infested crack den did you stumble out of??
Trolling started being a cunt so i'm giving him what he needs. and old school ripping. dont care if people like it or not. i'd carry on regardless.
Easy killer. Umad and you need to chill. I simply pointed out how you got played, something you had just got done exclaiming to someone else.

You are definitely barking up the wrong tree coming at me brah. Especially considering you have all of 115 posts. Trolling trolled you. Umad. He wins. End of game.

Please insert another quarter, wipe your pussy, and play again kiddo.

Good day to you sir.



Well-Known Member
I heard an immigrant complaining at the corner store the other day saying how he wants the church to move him to a different country because he didn't "get enough" from the U.S. He was using his benefit card btw. My friend behind the counter, who's from Yemen, told him he should be thankfull to be here because in his country he wouldn't get shit.


Well-Known Member
Also immigrants to the U.S. are afforded all kinds of loans and grants, unlike Canada where they want you to have a purpose, plan and/or a large bank account to become a resident. So that's always a nice thing to look forward to when coming to the U.S. I don't know about now but in the late 90's the Triad was vicious in Vancouver, I was warned to not be out alone near chinatown due to their violent nature. Australia's cost of living is huge from what a friend told me and they can be very small minded to outsiders. Everyplace has it's drawbacks. Where I live is much different than say where Doc is from or our Alaskan posters. That's part of America's draw. There are allot of different types of climates and enviorments to live in all in one Country.


Well-Known Member
Also immigrants to the U.S. are afforded all kinds of loans and grants, unlike Canada where they want you to have a purpose, plan and/or a large bank account to become a resident. So that's always a nice thing to look forward to when coming to the U.S. I don't know about now but in the late 90's the Triad was vicious in Vancouver, I was warned to not be out alone near chinatown due to their violent nature. Australia's cost of living is huge from what a friend told me and they can be very small minded to outsiders. Everyplace has it's drawbacks. Where I live is much different than say where Doc is from or our Alaskan posters. That's part of America's draw. There are allot of different types of climates and enviorments to live in all in one Country.
Now you're touching on another subject I get riled about, I've seen it far too often here. People born here, raised here, working all their lives here...and can't get shit, but we've had an influx of Vietnamese, Mexican and Llaosian immigrants getting houses, loans, and several years without taxes coming in and doing nothing but causing trouble. I don't mind people immigrating, hell I even encourage it, but not for a bunch of fuck-ups to be handed shit other people work their asses off for and never achieve.

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
Also immigrants to the U.S. are afforded all kinds of loans and grants, unlike Canada where they want you to have a purpose, plan and/or a large bank account to become a resident. So that's always a nice thing to look forward to when coming to the U.S. I don't know about now but in the late 90's the Triad was vicious in Vancouver, I was warned to not be out alone near chinatown due to their violent nature. Australia's cost of living is huge from what a friend told me and they can be very small minded to outsiders. Everyplace has it's drawbacks. Where I live is much different than say where Doc is from or our Alaskan posters. That's part of America's draw. There are allot of different types of climates and enviorments to live in all in one Country.
you guys don't want to move to hawai'i. hawai'i sucks :razz: too much sunshine and good times


Staff member
Also immigrants to the U.S. are afforded all kinds of loans and grants, unlike Canada where they want you to have a purpose, plan and/or a large bank account to become a resident. So that's always a nice thing to look forward to when coming to the U.S. I don't know about now but in the late 90's the Triad was vicious in Vancouver, I was warned to not be out alone near chinatown due to their violent nature. Australia's cost of living is huge from what a friend told me and they can be very small minded to outsiders. Everyplace has it's drawbacks. Where I live is much different than say where Doc is from or our Alaskan posters. That's part of America's draw. There are allot of different types of climates and enviorments to live in all in one Country.
lol we do indeed have a pretty crazy asian gangsters here however they keep mostly to themselves and dont harm regular people


Well-Known Member
you guys don't want to move to hawai'i. hawai'i sucks :razz: too much sunshine and good times
You're right, as usual. I'm far more likely to move to Washington, where the weather is nice, rainy and gloomy.

The sun is a being of evil. Well, it hurts my eyes anyway. I'm pretty sensitive to light.