Moving with grow equipment, any risk associated?


Active Member
Hey all,

Crappy economic times are forcing me to move from a "legal" medical state to a "not legal" state. Does anyone know if I should have any specific concerns about transporting my grow equipment? I have looked up paraphernalia and it appears that technically it is considered to be paraphernalia. What if I had a bunch of organic tomato seeds with me?

Thanks in advance.


Well-Known Member
It's only paraphernalia when combined with other weed related a bong or pipe is technically legal to smoke tobacco from until its used to smoke weed with once, then its paraphernalia :D


New Member

still... when i moved... i wiped down everything real good & packaged it properly so that if a box (i used heavy duty totes) was opened nothing was directly visible.

as well i packed all my grow gear first and put every other box from my house around & on top of it... this way, it would take massive effort to uncover... like unpacking an entire trucks worth of effort.

play smart. if you're worried definitely throw a pack of tomato seeds in with the lamps & gear.

clean everything real good. cant stress that enough. no root & leaves in hydroton, no pistil hairs on lamp tops, nothing of the sort.

obviously dont pack your bongs with lamps. and if you're worried about driving maybe pack & mail the sensitive stuff.


Well-Known Member
Here is something i learned from my own stupidity ..if you are packing your gear up in its original packaging. RIP OFF ALL LABELS. A completly innocent friend is facing charges due to the fact that their name was on a box in a house they never lived in.
I would love to tell the whole story of my legal woes (***all due to basic principals mj growers should live by***) but currently, a friend and I are facing felony charges for 4 small vegged plants and a single seedling...
i hope to tell my story to y'all one day to tell you what i've learned about small things police can do while gathering evidence ....something i'm sure has been gone over a thousand times ...but nonetheless ...i wasn't paying attention.


Well-Known Member
I use black garbage bags fro my equipment.. The boxes are bulky, obvious, and only difrence is they stack better i dont have nearly enough space to save all my boxes that the equipment came in too. lol