Well-Known Member
Welcome to Alabama sounds like you are up north way. I have a Lemon tree 20 or more years old stopped putting out lemons past 4 yrs now had black ants in it took care of them but not a lemon since then tried everything. Do they just stop producing lemons puts out flowers but no lemons.You sound like the man that might can help tried all the regular stuff. Thanks Bama
Hey man, not quite sure about citrus trees as I have no experience with them yet.
However, my first thought is that the plant is simply too old. The tree is 20 years old you said, but only in the past 4 years ants have "invaded" the plant, so to speak.
This tells me that the tree is in the process of dying and, along with it, the soil web within the rhizosphere of the lemon tree.
The reason I suggest this is because the microbes/soil web should be completely impregnable if it is in tiptop shape. In a healthy soil web, nothing bad should be able to get in. This is due to a combination of the terpenes said microbes/good bugs are exuding, good bugs fighting off ant/pest invasion, and so forth. But if the Lemon Tree and, by proxy, the roots of the tree are no longer healthy, then it can no longer sustain the soil web it once had. As a result, disease and pests can now take hold.
I looked on Google to find out how old Lemon trees can get before they stop producing fruit but couldn't find any answers. That said, the only thing I know that lasts longer than 20 years are Grape Vines. I've heard that some Citrus trees can last 10+ years, but other than that I have no idea.
In your shoes, I would be doing 2 things right now.
1) Start growing a new Lemon tree, better yet, get a little army of them going. Hopefully you've saved some of the seeds from the Lemons in the past? If not, you'll have to find yourself a new tree. Another option is to "graft" new shoots onto your current Lemon tree and see what happens. Unfortunately, I have no experience with that as of yet. I'm planning on experimenting with grafting in the future, but at this point in time I have no experience to be able to help you with.
2) Figure out if there are any issues with your soil. Does the Lemon Tree have sufficient enough compost applied every year? Is the compost quality enough? While there is a possibility there is an issue with the soil, I'm 90% sure that the issue is that your tree is just too old to produce any new buds. This is why it will produce flowers, but no actual Lemons. That leads me to believe that the issue is with the age of the tree, or pollination. But as I stated above, a pest invasion is a good indicator that the poor tree is just too old.
Look into getting a new tree, or grafting new shoots onto your current Lemon tree to take advantage of its root system. Sorry I couldn't help more, wishing you all the best!