Moxy, oh yes shes real


New Member
and shes very soft to the touch. oh so nice

6mg of 5 MeO MiPT in pill. effects within 30 min were noticed. Slight numbing in head followed by a tingling sensation.

in about 15 min weakness, jaw clenching you know the normal were sinking in. leting me know she was lustfully playing me, and god i didnt want it to stop.

at 6mg very very euphoric and minimal psychedelia. whole body was just like you feel on mephedrone or methylone but its more different. better. cleaner. yes very cleaner feeling with no groggy feeling. shes very gently very very

sorry guys im not good at these trip reports! just bear with me

another 6mg was taken 4 hours in and all peaks were reached but i think this 6mg actually feels better than the original 6mg. im typing this up now pretty messed up from moxy

all in all try 5 MeO MiPT bluelight talks sooo bad about it! fuck them! there haters moxy is now im my top 3 girls.

so yeah bad report sorry

oh also the extra 6mg at the end increased the psychedelia of the moxy up alot just a fyi


The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
Aaah. My god. I absolutely love Moxies. :) It's just, so good. If you like 5-MeO-MiPT Killer, try a trip on 4-HO-MiPT. You won't regret it. :)


Well-Known Member
Girls... instead of inflating your landing pad with maxi-pads... why not give it some much needed comfort with moxy-pad's... instant absorption like no other :lol:

The close knit circle of people who consumed Foxy and Moxy in the late 90's loved it. It's a romance story I wish I recollect from personal accounts ;)