UEI platinum


Well-Known Member
I ordered from them, I can't fucking wait for it to get here. 15g of UEI platinum, I should be fucked on 2g, most people say 1.5g is enough. It cost me 90, plus the fed exed it overnight for free! I cant WAIT to get this in 6 and a half hours.. I am seriously jonesing. I love opiates so much, and kratom is so healthy for you, good antioxidants and all. I get depressed without opiates..


I've been having bad anxiety with opiates as of late. I got a whole bottle of vicodin just sitting around cause I don't want to increase my already intolerable anxiety. I don't know why seems like it should help my anxiety. Do you have any of these issues Had? I know you've mentioned a history of anxiety. Take care.


Well-Known Member
It helps me anxiety tremendously, I finally feel normal. I can't live without it sadly.. Try to do as little as possible, w/ds suck dick


Well-Known Member
high way robbery mate DJK is the place to go 35 for a qp
UEI is always expensive, bet the dont have UEI much cheaper, I like for my kratom to be intense with less material consumed. It's made with 250x extract strong shit. 1-2g equals a whole ounce

BTW they also send me a huge sample pack of enhanced bali which is more expensive than regular as its enhanced with extract.


Well-Known Member
Ive bought from deepjungle, great place, and great people. Loved their kratom and prices, but they dont have the heavy extracts unfortunately.


Well-Known Member
most "enhanced" kratom they sell is just relabled bali

if your getting good kratom you shouldnt need "enhanced"

just letting you know and no harshness ment about it but your best bet for kratom is to get the most quality bali for the least prices i know you want less material consumed but alot ofthe times your paying for some just relabled regular and i would rather you save your money and not get jipped lol

DJK doesnt sell enhanced kratom for htis very reason

i use to get my kratom from BBB ithen i learned about DJK never went back