mrgrowpro or pc grow case???


I made my own pc grow case, not that big, but cost me about 40$
Wouldnt really go hydro in this small of a situation, but 1 or 2 smaller plants with low stress training. Build your own.......
Start from here and do some lookin at all the ideas on the internet and youll come up with a plan.


I have one its killer. I grew two nice plants. No problems whatsoever. Its everything he claims it to be. Check out my Youtube channel if you want to see it in action.


I looked over the entire case and the only words I saw was 'power' and 'reset' No company name or logo whatsoever that I can see. I think he buys them by the pallet from like Taiwan or some place. As for the fans I dont know much about them except to say that they are 19V and powered by a cell phone charger I believe. Sorry I cant give ya any more info. Best of luck to ya prince.


Active Member
So whats the answer to the original thread?? There are 2 companies PC Grow case and Mr Grow Pro,

I am about to go with Mr grow pro because it is a taller system with a lower price, plus they include both sets of bulbs to switch out for veg and flowing.

Is your case from mrgrowpro??