MrHowardMarks' experienced grower journal.


Well-Known Member
Thanks Doc :mrgreen:

Oh... It seems I missed a question from Multisonic...

Your pH is 9.6, and ppm at 700... From the tap...

It sounds like well water to me...

There are a few solutions, one would be to get a filter, a simple media type would remove the solids at least... A reverse osmosis would probably need filter replacements fairly often...

You could buy your water in 5 gallon jugs...

Or, I know there are products for well water growing...

Advanced Nutrients has a Well Water Micro that is used in replacement of the regular micro...

So, I don't know too much about growing with well water...

Oh, and Nacho, not quite, I have thick ass curly hair that looks like dreds.


Well-Known Member
Well damn...I was just scoping out your thread--gorgeous plants. This is one LONG ass thread, LOL. I need to go take a nap now. On a more serious note--question for you. I saw your picture of what looked like a thousand bucks plus of nutes alone, "so" I thought why not ask? I don't proclaim to be the novice grower, but I'm no "pro" either. So, here it is:
:sad:Hoping you can answer this for me. This has never happened before. I found a plant that was predominately female and "suddenly" began producing seeds. I'm hoping it hasn't affected the other plants too heavily--or at all for that matter. Kind of sad, it was producing bud the fastest and I was hoping for it to be my first smoke. It was only on the top part of plant that had turned male. I don't know if I should experiment on this or not. The entire bottom portion is female flowering. I've clipped the top few inches that had already produced seed. Are these seeds completely worthless? Or is there a 50/50 chance of them being entirely female (and the other 50% predominately hermaphrodite)? Also, what are the chances the remainder of the plant not taken out of the garden (and only showing flowers) will remain completely female? <<<I'm not feeling hopeful that I should keep this one. What are your thoughts on this?


Active Member
Quick question, my plants are about 5 or so weeks old grown from seed and when I was changing the water last night I unplugged the light to get the cord out of the way to move my res past and being an idiot and super high I left it unplugged. Long story short I left them with 14 hours of straight darkness before plugging it back in. Do you think they'll be effected heavily by that or will they bounce back right away?


Well-Known Member
Nacho- I suppose you are in veg and turned the light off?

If this is the case, they'll be just fine... Continue the normal cycle. If you're flowering it's alright too... Just try not to do it again...

I do some stoner shit sometimes too, I just try to catch myself before it happens with OCD rituals... :?

Babs- By seeds do you mean male flowers? Do they look white like a tiny flower with yellowish pollen in the middle?

If this is the case...

Since it's happening at the top of the plant, any new growth will be predominantly male flowers... It's common in many species of plant to carry both sexes at the top and bottom of the plant, like pines and conifers...

I'd kill the maff immediately.
and all of it's he/she children too!!!

Any seeds produced by a random hermaphrodite plant through self pollination will carry a predominantly stong tendency to maff... So the seeds are bunk.

If you actually are talking about "seeds" forming... There has to be a maff somewhere in there...

The only other possible solution is that you don't know what a calyx looks like...


You can answer the question yourself,

google images-

"male cannabis flower"

"Female cannabis flower, or 'Calyx" -the rollitup logo...

"Cannabis Hermaphrodite"

Then decide for yourself...

I'm fairly certain it's not a seed forming... You can't tell until they're ready to harvest.


Well-Known Member
Take my word.....I know what a calyx looks like. I'll refer to those sites later to see if there's useful information. What I was saying is that I've NEVER seen a plant like this. Whenever I had seen a male, I ALWAYS immediately chunked it. This one was showing ALL signs of being female, but then "suddenly" changed. Now, when I say suddenly, I'm exaggerating of course. Honestly, I've been pretty lazy with this lil garden. (long story) ---When you say "I'm fairly certain it's not a seed forming... You can't tell until they're ready to harvest. " Make no mistake, it formed seeds......up top. The plant itself was only 14" high and I had only put it on 12/12 for oh, about 2 weeks maybe? The lower portion of the plant is producing nothing but female flowers. The top few inches that I have cut off (which DID produce seed) were at one time VERY MUCH appearing to be female flowers. I just don't know what the "chances" are that it will continue to flower......probably highly unlikely. I'm thinking it will again revert to male and SEEDING. I guess my biggest question was, are those seeds really worthless? No chance of getting some decent female seeds from it?


Well-Known Member
Sorry man... But what your saying makes absolutely no sense at all...

Seeds take quite some time to form, they don't appear to be seeded until harvest...

You can ask someone else if you want, but there is absolutely no way you can tell seeds in 2 weeks... Seriously...

I pollinated every one of my strains with Super Skunk pollen, and if I hadn't marked the buckets that were pollinated I'd have absolutely no idea which ones are going to have seeds...

Look up hermaphrodite...


Well-Known Member
What I'm saying is the "seeds" you speak of are most likely unopened male flowers... I can dig up a pic of my Super Skunk male if you'd like...

If they open, the rest of your garden will be seeded...

And those seeds will be worthless.


Well-Known Member
wow nice room. it looks like the room I live in lol. Im going to start a micro grow, but I aspire to reach higher levels and build a kick ass room like that.


Well-Known Member
It's a decent amount of work, but once you figure everything out, everything runs pretty smoothly... On average I spend an hour or less a day, and about 4 hours on feeding/ watering days...

Cloning, transplanting, trimming, they all take time...

Efficiency comes with practice, my grow went without a hitch because I had a plan I knew worked, and stuck to it, limiting the variables as much as possible.

I'd say within two years of growing you'll be doing fairly well if you keep at it...

After that you'll build on technique, and maximize potential... Resin and taste will be the major concern...

That's just it really...

A LOT of people were critical of my pruning techniques, most reasoned that there would still be a decent amount of buds...

I don't care, I'm trying to get the best part even better.

Larfy little lower buds suck ass, I really would rather not smoke them, if anything they might be good for hash.

Sorry, I'm in a snobbish mood kinda... I'm fucked up on some incredible Somango. :?

But really...

All the lower buds take away from the cola by a percentage... An even canopy of buds will get you the biggest and most flavorful resinous buds you can get.


Well-Known Member
ima be snobbish right along with ya! i skinned my last crop like you do and trimming was a breeze and it was all primo "A" buds. forget fluff and popcorn, i want nothing smaller than a pinecone.

DR. VonDankenstine

Well-Known Member
I think you were a little easy on the plants to be honest:-P---I would have cut everything from 1/2 down. The only thing I leave below that point is stem and if there's branching longer than 1" off the main stem above that, It gets the cutters as well at week 3. I like to grow one ultra-dense cola in the 3/4 to 1-1/4 ounce dried weight range.


Well-Known Member
Yeah... I do that too... That's what the Super Skunks are kinda like... One massive bud...

The larger plants are stalked to the top... There are a total of 11 branches/colas on one of them, 9 on two of them and 7 on the forth under one light... That's 36 colas total... Each will be about a half ounce dried... Pound per light happens no matter how many plants...

4 plants per light yields as much as 9...


Well-Known Member
i just passed my one year mark for growing and if i keep learning at the same rate that i have been i will be at the point where all that matters is refining taste and things of the like another year from now. Oh I remember the days of bagseed, soil, dixie cups and CFLs like it was yesterday. The thing is, the more you learn the more you feel like you can improve. My rooms are half of what I want them to be, and 500 times better than what I started off with. Weird.


Well-Known Member
True dat!

Did you see the response for your water problem...?

-Filter (tons of cartridge replacements)

-Well water Micro

*Best solution*
-Purchase water from a local supplier...


Well-Known Member
Oh and I bet you recently got a pH ppm pen Multisonic...

Once you get that baseline tap water under control you can expect a big quality increase...

There are a lot of people who buy their water, I'm pretty sure it's cheap as hell, just a hassle to get...

But since you have a bigass truck you could get a giant water tank... :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Ha ha ha ha I already have a 105 gal aux fuel tank (for when I am running dry and have to round trip it to the west for an elbow) And my water is city water not well but it acts like well water I guess. Yeah the RO filter has been a long time coming. I've had my PH and ppm testers for about 8 mos now. My water used to come out at about 200ppm and i could deal with that but this is getting outta hand.


Well-Known Member
Ha ha ha ha I already have a 105 gal aux fuel tank (for when I am running dry and have to round trip it to the west for an elbow) And my water is city water not well but it acts like well water I guess. Yeah the RO filter has been a long time coming. I've had my PH and ppm testers for about 8 mos now. My water used to come out at about 200ppm and i could deal with that but this is getting outta hand.
I was going to use tap water in my aero grow, but I live in a small town on the edge of lake superior so Im hoping it wont be too bad.