MrHowardMarks' experienced grower journal.


Active Member
I was interested in Sensi's new feminized Jack Flash (or SSH), just released in the last few days I believe (at least online).

Sensi claims they have solved the usual problems of feminized seeds (poor germ rate, hermies, problems cloning,etc) with this new line of 5 feminized strains. They claim that these strains are also very uniform and stable. It says on their site that they waited until now to release a line of feminized seeds because they wanted to wait until they "worked out all the kinks" so to say.

PS Good luck with the lady......

Edit: Just put in my order for the new feminized Jack Flash from Sensi...Hopefully I will get my seeds lol...and hopefully they will turn out great !

DR. VonDankenstine

Well-Known Member
Personally, I DEFINATELY recommend staying away from feminized seeds.

I'm only growing my own fem cross, because I'm curious of the outcome, it's my baby.

Also, the herm came from a light leak under the door, and it's going to be a bitch keeping up on them to make sure they don't herm themselves.

If you don't care about the possibility of getting a possible hermie, and a few seeds in your weed, there are some great feminized production bred strains available.

-I got some seconds tonight, hope she doesn't want a relationship :s :mrgreen:
I second that!!!


Well-Known Member
Alright, no poontang tonight, so I took some pics, my have they grown since the last upload :bigjoint:

-----ON TOPIC-----

The stubborn SuperSkunk sprouts are finally coming around...

Making the total count;

5- Superskunk,

*the single photos are of the SuperSkunk, 9Mile and Blueberry. the cups are labeled in marker.

*the multiple cups are green-superskunk sprouts, red-Mango juveniles.

*and a grouping of the 5 more mature plants,



Well-Known Member
Fifty-four, 9 each under 6 lights.

I'm gonna try to do a majority of super skunk, and a few of my own cross to determine genetics, also only a few of the 9Mile in case it's not so good. The blueberry isn't my favorite, and not as much of a producer, I'm just growing it for personal variety, I plan on growing/selling mostly the super skunk.


Well-Known Member
Well, after a couple weeks, I've built a shelving system for storage in the basement.

It creates a false wall, which will hide the growroom from the rest of the basement.

I've always wanted a hidden room, and now I have one, it's not hidden as well as I imagined, but, oh well, it's a good storage shelf.

I finished remodeling the bathroom, installing all new plumbing, new tile, sink and toilet, bead board and shelves so I needed another project, It only took a couple days.

I upload some pics tomorrow, I'm going to paint the floor white in the growroom, and the panda mylar should be getting in by the weekend.

The 5 large plants are raging, I'll need to repot them tomorrow, they're drinking fast as hell.


Well-Known Member
The floor is now colored-Behr ultra titanium white, 3 coats.

I need to get the bloom room ready, only a couple weeks and I'll be flowering the first few for sexing.

I'll upload pics tomorrow of the bloom room progress, and the shelves/fake wall. :bigjoint:

DR. VonDankenstine

Well-Known Member
Very cool brother----Are you planning on wearing sun glasses in your flowering room with that white paint????:bigjoint:. It sounds as thou thing are moving along at a good pace for you---That's great----can't wait to see you blasting in your flowering stage---will stop by latter---take care...


Active Member
I've never smoked kush, it's not around the midwest. But I have a frosty DJ short Blueberry, I don't know how it compares to the Dutch Passion, but I think I know what my next strain will be along with Sour Diesel, I definately am interested in the OG Kush.
I live in the midwest and I've gotten ahold of about 3 ounces of Kush in the last year or so. Some of it seemed to have a bit of a berry smell/taste. It definitely isn't readily available but my guy has gotten it occasionally. Nice smooth smoke, a tad sleepier than I prefer my smoke (at least the small amount of Kush I've had was) but it was fairly effective medicinally. I am also very interested in the OG Kush but growing from seed I can only find it crossed with other strains. :-?


Well-Known Member
hey howard, i've been watching you're setup progress with great interest. i just transplanted a few of my ladies to larger pots and they had roots like that...'trapped'... so i scraped at em until they weren't such a tight ingrowing ball...

hopefully you can read through my ineloquence. i was pretty careful but some of the roots broke of course, not terrible but i'm sure it'll slow down the grow a day or two, just wondering if you do that? is it necessary or is just ploppin it it the new pot work fine for you? thx man can't wait until your operation is fully up and running


Well-Known Member
Well, I never touch the roots, I always let them go and don't think there's a great advantage to breaking them up.

I think by touching them, you might infect part of the root and kill it, it wouldn't have that much damage on the plant, as long as there's a considerable root mass and available water, you'd have a tough time killing it. but breaking roots can't be good, I've never done it on a youngster before.

Funny though, because whenever I plant the seasonals outside (not weed) I break up their root balls, so maybe, idk :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
yea that's what i was thinking, just cause when ever i've transplanted other plants before i've broken up the roots a lil bit ... oh well, i was clean about it i'm sure it won't have much effect, i'll just plop it in next time, thx for your experienced answer