MrHowardMarks' experienced grower journal.


Active Member
in only one week of putting these clones in the table, the roots have already popped out of the bottom of the bucket. here are some more pics of my areo table that requires net buckets.........


Mr Minger

Active Member
"MRHOWARDMARKS......... what is mr. nice all about ? ive been reading up on it ."

Not the same bloke as far as I can work out... Great journal though!


Well-Known Member
Not sure what the question is on the tables but they look like they're doing well...

Those are the square pots I was talking about Nacho420, They won't have roots busting out the sides, only the bottom, and only a little bit...

Mr. Nice is the biography of Howard Marks, Mr. Nice was Howard's alias as one of the biggest marijuana smugglers and distrubutor the world has known... That's what it's about. He served time for his crimes, so he can tell all the details, no double jeopardy.


Active Member
i was browsing and found seeds called mr nice ! it said it was named after howard marks, just curious if you have ever grown any of these. just thinking that because of your screen name :bigjoint: soory but my pics didnt load the last time so here are the pics of my areo table.



Active Member
and no question on the tables, just figured they could be used in reference on explaining the difference in the pots and the usage of them, so nacho420 can see the usage of each pot and the difference in the types of tables.


Active Member
ok i have a question.... after further inspection of my plants on the aero tablei just noticed that the lower limbs fo the fans have split in the center. not all the way to the stalk but close, i would say and inch from the fran to and inch from the stalk. .. what could this be and should i be worried ?


Well-Known Member
Yeah, Mr Nice G13 is a strain, really dense and fairly easy to grow... Decent production.

About the spliting branches; are you using silica? Or potassium silicate?

It creates stronger cell walls, better structure and is a nutrient catalyst. It will definately make the branches much stronger...

Barricade is Advanced Nutrients version, but there are others from other companies.

Be aware silicate is like pH up, so you'll have to compensate with pH down. It raises my pH to over 8... With the proper dose.

But no worries, they will still get what they need... You could just lop them off, and promotw more growth to the top of the plant... Your choice.

If they're about to break off entirely, I'd remove them.



Active Member
Gotcha, that makes a lot more sense. And then when it's time to move the clones to the 2 gallon buckets and into flowering I would just take the whole plant out and put it in the bigger container.



Well-Known Member
:bigjoint: Sometimes you just need to take a hash nap :bigjoint:

Gotcha, that makes a lot more sense. And then when it's time to move the clones to the 2 gallon buckets and into flowering I would just take the whole plant out and put it in the bigger container.


Bingo... No problem, thank hardworker for the pics. :clap: :leaf:


Well-Known Member
Man, that was just some proof of all the readers I have on this thread that are quite silent... :oops: I'm blushing...

No, really... Thanks for jumping in when needed, and post any questions you might have, about my garden or yours... I'm happy to share.

I'll remind everyone, there are many ways of growing, this is how I do it, and it works for me... I have a small garden, compared to most I've seen, I'd rather have 6 1000Wers, but this is what I've got, and I make do with what I have... Money's tight. I've been saving receipts, for buisness purposes. Expenses, equipment, nutrients, materials, It's all accounted for, and at the end of the journal, it will all be covered. Every chain, S hook, extension cord, surge protector, bucket, hood, ballast, bulb, seeds, soil, nutrient, mylar, scissors, root plug, clone dome, etc etc etc...

I hope to prove it's a decent buisness plan, because legalization isn't far away, well, not too, too far away, and the possibility of submitting a documentation of seed to harvest with money invested might gain interest :? At least it'll prove competence! :mrgreen:

I don't quote anyone really, and won't "reffer" you to any links, sorry, you're a big boy/girl, and google is right here.

That's for the interest, I hope for a heaping harvest in two months... Enjoy.:leaf:


Active Member
ok cool, yes im on the AN. and like you said money is a little tight. so ive been leaving some of the extras out of my scedule . i was thinking maybe it was from over growth or just growing a little to fast, but your right.... i just started flowering so since they are on the bottom it doesnt matter...... so i lopped em.


Well-Known Member
Good idea.

Well, I gave the ladies their last drink of veg this morning, they were pretty thirsty. The clones I planted a few days ago are rapidly growing in their new home, and I'm definately flipping the switch on christmas.

I've been trimming off lower growth, promoting healthy growth to the top.

If you've grown from clone, you'll notice there's a cluster of branches where the top of the clone was, when new growth begins from clone, it's slow at first, and branches for tight, I always trim them off as soon as possible, when the top is shooting out healthier fans...

I have some monsters that were from the first batch of clones, they're probably a month old and at least 3 feet tall... Gonna take two lights for 8 of them... I suppose.

I haven't really decided if I'm going to keep them or not, they're mostly 9Mile, which is a super fast grower, from what I've seen so far, I do believe it's a hybrid, because the growth isn't completely sativa, but the leaves show a definate sativa dominance...

Keep tuned in, in a week there should be some pistols to look at. :leaf:


Active Member
can you explain what you trim off on the clone for better growth?

It looks like things will get very interesting pretty soon..


Well-Known Member
can you explain what you trim off on the clone for better growth?

It looks like things will get very interesting pretty soon..
mind if i take a crack at this one MHM?

it depends on the size and shape you want to grow. a good rule IMO is to remove any new growth that will end up being well shaded near the bottom of the plant. removing the new growth down low will promote growth up top where you will get the most from you light. i also pluck any new flower growth about 2 wks into flowering in these lower areas.

i hope i got this right MHM. sootron, best of luck.


Well-Known Member
if i could do this and legalization move in , that would be the American Dream,lol..Though i'm working on making it the American Dream now,lol.


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Yeah, that's a good explaination... The bottom of the plant from clone will have a cluster of branches at the bottom, I trim all of them off... Before they become branches...

My lights are off right now, but I'll load up pics later of what I'm up to in the week before bloom.

Dirtbag's journal is a definate goto... Excellent medicinal garden

So, I was doing a little research... Well, reading the ladels... The new bottle of Sweet Leaf from AN has a lot more detail on the ingredients.

I knew it was mainly a molasses mixture, but there were other things that I didn't know about. There is grape and apple juice... Dirtbag uses applejuice... Makes sense... There is also sandlewood extract. A perfume??? I guess so...

That brought me to looking at the Connisseur bottle, and sure enough there was ethyl alcohol extracts... THAT's why it smells like cologne, because there's cologne in it.

Pretty fucking wierd huh?

I think I'm going to try out a mixture with some of the essential oils in it to see if there really is a difference, and needless to say, I'm going to be adding the apple and grape juice in the mix along with the sandlewood oil...

I'll upload some pics later on of what happens before the light switch as far as supercropping, and trimming/stalking for yield...

I have some other things to do, but I'll get on top of it asap... If I don't get to it tonight, I'll make it a christmas post... The lights are flipping soon!
