MS my story plz read


Well-Known Member
so a little about my medical situation and what i am going threw.. plz post responces

i am 19 years old and am fighting with post trumatic stress disorder and what i belive is multiple sclorosis

it started when i was 18 and noticed that my finger would spasum some times but thought nothing of it at first.. then it started to get more frequient to abotu 30 times a day, with the same finger..i smoked pot ocasionally at this point

then as the months went by the spasuming started to go to my other fingers on both hands. my mom and i went to the doctor about it and we got sent to a nerologist in our town.

the appointment was set for 4 months because of wait times and such.. in the meen time i got blood work and other tests done ..

at this time i was working at a coffee shop and i was cleaning dishes when my whole hand was spasuming and i couldnt control it.. i droped the bowl and it broke in front of me and all i could do it stand there watching my hand spasum uncontrolably ...

soon after that eppisode i would spasum here and there but just tried not to let in interfeer with my life.

i started having eppisodes of blacking out for minutes at a time at work and at home ( i would be making snoke ones coffee and then come to and be in a dif past of the store with no recolection of what happend ) this lasted for 3 months and got to the point where i could not work any more for my own safty

the appointment came with the nerologist and we got order for a heart specialst and MRI and CT scans as well as a complete blood test of every thing

my mom went away to cuba fro vacation and was staying with my GF. i was with her and got a tingle up my spine and then lost all control of my body and started shaking uncontrollably.. this had happend 4 times sence

i was staring to for no reason loose control of my legs and arms while working and i would stand there with no signal going to my legs to move them.. i could stand but could not walk.. it would last for 30 min or so useually..

i had to take a leve of absince form work for a few weeks just to be safe...

it came time for me to move away and go to college for my first year.. durring the first month i had an eppisode where i could not walk again with extreme dizzyness i did not know what was going on.. i went to the clinic in the strange town and got no help

durring the first few weeks i would still spasum a bit here and there...

in my one class i had my legs sieze up again and went to the school nurse and got imitted to the hospital.. at the hospital i was having a sizure like episode while awake where my whole body was shaking wildly and could not stop

i called a nurse over and she saw it and did NOTHING .. i had been waiting for 5 hours to c a doctor and was allready in a room ... it took 2 h for the doctor to see me ... i told him bout everything else and he said go home to your home town and get help there.. and that there was nothing he could do for me

im in a strange town with no one but my self to care for me and am being denigned health care...

i phoned my mom and she was pissed but nothing we can do.. so eventually went home

with the weeks comming i would wake up and have no control of my legs and arms .. i could not stand so i could not go to class.. i was crying because of this .. this has never happend before..

it stared happening every few weeks or so

christmas comes and i get more tests doen at home and see my nerologist .. i told him about some reading i have done and think it might be MS.. with the tests back he sees no signs of it form the MRI... we get sent to another nerologist and get more tests and the same conclusion is drawn

they find nothing wrong at all

so with my reading bout my symptoms and no help being offferd to me i start smoking pot here and there and it does help calm down the spasums .

i was also geting sharp pain in my legs and head and arms when i was spasuming alot .. the pain would bring me to tears .. when i smoke it all gos away and i can regain controll just a bit over my body

with the last few months of school i was smoking more to help the spasums .. and i with out pot i would spasum 100 - 200 times a day all over my body every muscel .. when i smoked it stoped immidatly

when i came home for the summer i went to c a counceler and told him all about it .. and some past issues with my family.. from the issues with my family he said i have signs of post trumatic stress disorder and he treats MS paitiens and does belive i have it.

he wants me to start preparing for later in life when it does get worse... as i wrote this i have had about 60 spasums to day including all over my face , toes , arms and legs.. i do not have a job becasue of the way the econemie is but i am surching ..

i dont have any money for pot and every day is a struggle to cotntorl my spasums with out it ..

plz share thought and i will alaborate where i can ( there has been alot lot more symptoms then the ones i outnlined but there isnt enough space to say everything ... on the MS Canada web site it out lines symtoms and i have almost all of them but like 2 ) i do have relapsing like most MS patients and sever depression..

thanks for reading my story .. its been 2 years of this now


so a little about my medical situation and what i am going threw.. plz post responces

i am 19 years old and am fighting with post trumatic stress disorder and what i belive is multiple sclorosis

it started when i was 18 and noticed that my finger would spasum some times but thought nothing of it at first.. then it started to get more frequient to abotu 30 times a day, with the same finger..i smoked pot ocasionally at this point

then as the months went by the spasuming started to go to my other fingers on both hands. my mom and i went to the doctor about it and we got sent to a nerologist in our town.

the appointment was set for 4 months because of wait times and such.. in the meen time i got blood work and other tests done ..

at this time i was working at a coffee shop and i was cleaning dishes when my whole hand was spasuming and i couldnt control it.. i droped the bowl and it broke in front of me and all i could do it stand there watching my hand spasum uncontrolably ...

soon after that eppisode i would spasum here and there but just tried not to let in interfeer with my life.

i started having eppisodes of blacking out for minutes at a time at work and at home ( i would be making snoke ones coffee and then come to and be in a dif past of the store with no recolection of what happend ) this lasted for 3 months and got to the point where i could not work any more for my own safty

the appointment came with the nerologist and we got order for a heart specialst and MRI and CT scans as well as a complete blood test of every thing

my mom went away to cuba fro vacation and was staying with my GF. i was with her and got a tingle up my spine and then lost all control of my body and started shaking uncontrollably.. this had happend 4 times sence

i was staring to for no reason loose control of my legs and arms while working and i would stand there with no signal going to my legs to move them.. i could stand but could not walk.. it would last for 30 min or so useually..

i had to take a leve of absince form work for a few weeks just to be safe...

it came time for me to move away and go to college for my first year.. durring the first month i had an eppisode where i could not walk again with extreme dizzyness i did not know what was going on.. i went to the clinic in the strange town and got no help

durring the first few weeks i would still spasum a bit here and there...

in my one class i had my legs sieze up again and went to the school nurse and got imitted to the hospital.. at the hospital i was having a sizure like episode while awake where my whole body was shaking wildly and could not stop

i called a nurse over and she saw it and did NOTHING .. i had been waiting for 5 hours to c a doctor and was allready in a room ... it took 2 h for the doctor to see me ... i told him bout everything else and he said go home to your home town and get help there.. and that there was nothing he could do for me

im in a strange town with no one but my self to care for me and am being denigned health care...

i phoned my mom and she was pissed but nothing we can do.. so eventually went home

with the weeks comming i would wake up and have no control of my legs and arms .. i could not stand so i could not go to class.. i was crying because of this .. this has never happend before..

it stared happening every few weeks or so

christmas comes and i get more tests doen at home and see my nerologist .. i told him about some reading i have done and think it might be MS.. with the tests back he sees no signs of it form the MRI... we get sent to another nerologist and get more tests and the same conclusion is drawn

they find nothing wrong at all

so with my reading bout my symptoms and no help being offferd to me i start smoking pot here and there and it does help calm down the spasums .

i was also geting sharp pain in my legs and head and arms when i was spasuming alot .. the pain would bring me to tears .. when i smoke it all gos away and i can regain controll just a bit over my body

with the last few months of school i was smoking more to help the spasums .. and i with out pot i would spasum 100 - 200 times a day all over my body every muscel .. when i smoked it stoped immidatly

when i came home for the summer i went to c a counceler and told him all about it .. and some past issues with my family.. from the issues with my family he said i have signs of post trumatic stress disorder and he treats MS paitiens and does belive i have it.

he wants me to start preparing for later in life when it does get worse... as i wrote this i have had about 60 spasums to day including all over my face , toes , arms and legs.. i do not have a job becasue of the way the econemie is but i am surching ..

i dont have any money for pot and every day is a struggle to cotntorl my spasums with out it ..

plz share thought and i will alaborate where i can ( there has been alot lot more symptoms then the ones i outnlined but there isnt enough space to say everything ... on the MS Canada web site it out lines symtoms and i have almost all of them but like 2 ) i do have relapsing like most MS patients and sever depression..

thanks for reading my story .. its been 2 years of this now
I really can't help you, but I just hope you can get over this and it hopefully will be not MS, because that's a very sad disease.Get well..


New Member
By your account, its clear that you are in Canada where medical treatment is "free."

With that little conservative rant against government-run health care said, its also clear that you DO have a neurological disease. There are so many neurological diseases out there, that its impossible to diagnose what you have over the Internet.

I have Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease, a neurological disease that affects the extremities ... feet, toes, ankles, forearms, wrists, hands and fingers.

I can relate to your spasm pains for sure. Honestly, like you, I can be in tears from the cramping in my toes, smoke a couple of bowls, and ten minutes later, the pain is gone.

If what you say in your profile is true, that you are in Niagara Falls, that means that you are just north of the border. If I were you, I'd walk across the border, find the nearest hospital emergency room and ask for treatment. Our federal law prevents them from refusing this treatment to you.

Anyway .. good luck, and I wish you the very best.



Well-Known Member
By your account, its clear that you are in Canada where medical treatment is "free."

With that little conservative rant against government-run health care said, its also clear that you DO have a neurological disease. There are so many neurological diseases out there, that its impossible to diagnose what you have over the Internet.

I have Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease, a neurological disease that affects the extremities ... feet, toes, ankles, forearms, wrists, hands and fingers.

I can relate to your spasm pains for sure. Honestly, like you, I can be in tears from the cramping in my toes, smoke a couple of bowls, and ten minutes later, the pain is gone.

If what you say in your profile is true, that you are in Niagara Falls, that means that you are just north of the border. If I were you, I'd walk across the border, find the nearest hospital emergency room and ask for treatment. Our federal law prevents them from refusing this treatment to you.

Anyway .. good luck, and I wish you the very best.

thanks for the reply. im on a cancel list for a new nerologist ... i just picked up so im happy that when it gets bad i can get some relife form the pain