
Well-Known Member
Maybe Trump can ask Kamala for a loan to pay for his lawyers, considering he apparently is fucking destitute.
Some fucking billionaire he is, hawking Bibles and fucking playing cards with his superman images on them.
Pretty cool right?
Fucking douch bag.
Don't forget the Fight! Fight! Fight! Hi-top Sneakers only $299 wahahaha, former President? lol can't make this shit up.


My problem with using any numbers coming out of there is that they are controlled by Hammas and as of yet I don't think they have reported any actual militant deaths. So between how many ppl actively trying to attack Isreali's and the vast overcounting of deaths it is hard to believe those numbers.

Also if it was 30k ppl killed right off the bat, if they were actively trying to genocide the Palestinian people, it should be so many more dead in the last few months since those numbers were initially reported.

And of course this does not justify any innocent people who have been killed in this war. And I am not saying it is ok (I am not saying you are saying I am, I just know this is one of those landmines that needs to be nuanced out and am trying to be careful). I want this to be clear because it is the obvious troll that Hammas has been pushing that any of this kind of conversation is somehow forcing people into one camp or another, and I reject that.

I can hold a position that this war is horrific and needs to end also that Netanyahu is a dictator that needs to be ousted from power, but Hammas butchering over a thousand innocent lives and then hiding as they continue to try to kill Isreali's from behind the people they claim to care about is plain evil.
Just one point about the number of persons murdered/maimed/butchered by Israel, and that is that after the last 3 attacks on Gaza in retaliation for the rockets launched by Hamas, even Israel, along with multpule other investigations, have found that the numbers presented by the Palestinian Health Department have been accurate.
The Lancet, one of the foremost medical publications in the world has estimated that the actually the death toll, including the bodies buried under the rubble can/will exceed over 100,000 casualties.
Just saying.


Don't forget the Fight! Fight! Fight! Hi-top Sneakers only $299 wahahaha, former President? lol can't make this shit up.
Fucking carnival barker selling magic elixir to the clowns in this country.
In the not that distance past, he would be tared and feathered and thrown into a swamp.
Instead he's the GOP's nominee for POTUS, and maybe the future POTUS.
Figure that the fuck out.


Well-Known Member
Trump Says He Wants to Deport Millions. He’ll Have a Hard Time Removing More People Than Biden Has.
Even as Trump slams the president for open borders, the Biden-Harris administration has kicked out far more immigrants than Trump ever managed to.
If you go to Tijuana, right up to the border wall, you can see a deportation in its final throes. At the edge of a Mexican freeway that runs along the border, there’s a nondescript metal door. On any given morning, a Mexican official will open the padlock on the Mexican side and an American immigration agent will open the padlock on the U.S. side. Then, dozens—sometimes hundreds — of people get pushed back into Mexico. Some wander to shelters; others end up camping just outside the door, as if staying close by might improve their chances of getting back in. That deportation door got plenty of use under Donald Trump. But perhaps no president has used it more than Joe Biden.
