MSNL Auto Blue Dream & White Widow Max

and then there were three....

Got busy chopping another BD...
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Frosty goodness! The pic wont come out. This one has a nice blue hue to it, but it just wont come through in the pic....
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Chopping the 2 WWM's tonight.
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Here is a pic of the 3rd BD chopped last night on the rack...
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and I should have a dry weight on the 2nd BD in a couple days. Im gonna throw a guess out of 4oz looking at what is there. We will see.....
Well pulled a bud from BD1. It has been in a jar for about a week now. The smell is still comming along. 3 hits in the steamroller and Im feeling fine. Nice earthy taste with a little ting.
For anyone interested my cure method is pretty simple. I use mason jars and I got these CHEAP hydrometers on eBay from China for like $1.25 each. Prolly not very accurate but work for me and I need a bunch.

I cut the branches and trim anything I cant use for bubble hash(I wanna try shatter, have to read up on it)
Dry the branches and budz on a rack till dry but spongy. 4-7 days.
Final trim for use in bubble hash. Trim placed in papper bag till finished with all.
Branches/buds 24 more hours on the rack as final trimed.
Place in jars with a hydrometer in each.
Let sit open for 24 hours. Any readings over 70% go back on the rack. Jars under 70% get capped up.
Every day or two I will open the jars and let sit till the RH reading drops 2%. Then cap back up.
Once jars read under 65% I will only open every 4-7 days. I consider this ready to smoke, but still getting better.
Once jars read under 60% I will remove the hydrometer and cap them up till I need them. Cure finished.
Takes a good 4/5 weeks to get under 60%. Done in my basement with an almost perfect 56-61%RH.

So now that tent is kinda sparse ....
What's next on the menu for growing ?...
Break till April. Im gunning for 13-17oz this grow. 1/5 Im at 2.9 so looking good. I dont sell. I smoke and help family/friends with free or very good deals. So it will last me the winter. Come spring I got seeds waiting. Auto GDP & Auto Bubblegum. Again from MSNL. Then fall grow will be Pinapple Kush and White Cheese.
Just weighed up BD2. 95.5g or 3.4oz!!!! Im very happy with this one!!!!

2/5 weighed up and my running total is 176.9g or 6.3oz
Well WWM1 was the weakest of the group. The budz are light and airy. Shes drying fast and I need to jar her up. 56.1g or 2oz. Not bad for the weak one....

3/5 running total is 233g or 8.3oz
Nice man, i ended up getting nearly 7oz for my 2 gdp, drying the pineapplekush now.
Hope I can do that with my GDP next spring!

BD3 now jared up! 107.8g or 3.85oz!!!!!

4/5 and running total is 340.8g or 12.1oz! Just might hit that 15oz or 3ozper target I set back in Sept.
I got a WWM left. Should have a weight tonight or tomorrow.

Love the journal and the heads up on the medium. It was been super easy with the CFR fertilizer inside. Still on a water feed and ZERO problem. Nice stocky stalk and large green growth. 30 days in growth ... May flip in a week or so.

That LOWE's Soil is killing it !
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