For anyone interested my cure method is pretty simple. I use mason jars and I got these CHEAP hydrometers on eBay from China for like $1.25 each. Prolly not very accurate but work for me and I need a bunch.
I cut the branches and trim anything I cant use for bubble hash(I wanna try shatter, have to read up on it)
Dry the branches and budz on a rack till dry but spongy. 4-7 days.
Final trim for use in bubble hash. Trim placed in papper bag till finished with all.
Branches/buds 24 more hours on the rack as final trimed.
Place in jars with a hydrometer in each.
Let sit open for 24 hours. Any readings over 70% go back on the rack. Jars under 70% get capped up.
Every day or two I will open the jars and let sit till the RH reading drops 2%. Then cap back up.
Once jars read under 65% I will only open every 4-7 days. I consider this ready to smoke, but still getting better.
Once jars read under 60% I will remove the hydrometer and cap them up till I need them. Cure finished.
Takes a good 4/5 weeks to get under 60%. Done in my basement with an almost perfect 56-61%RH.