Therick I wish I read this before ordering. So far 4 out of 8 seeds, either didn’t germ or came up and died. I germinated many seeds with no problems. Thanks, now I don’t have to waste my time trying to contact them. Thanks again.
Therick I wish I read this before ordering. So far 4 out of 8 seeds, either didn’t germ or came up and died. I germinated many seeds with no problems. Thanks, now I don’t have to waste my time trying to contact them. Thanks again.
If seeds germinate and die it’s grower error not the seedbanks
Well believe what you will. Never had an issue before, have done many seeds. They would crack in paper towels but no tap root would come out after days so I planted them in Pro Mix as always one so far showed it’s first leaf can’t remember the name begins with c. Been that way for 4 days others are trying to come up but won’t. Guess I don’t know what I’m doing anymore. Lol
Well believe what you will. Never had an issue before, have done many seeds. They would crack in paper towels but no tap root would come out after days so I planted them in Pro Mix as always one so far showed it’s first leaf can’t remember the name begins with c. Been that way for 4 days others are trying to come up but won’t. Guess I don’t know what I’m doing anymore. Lol
Sounds like your temps might be low
Also if your medium is to wet they won’t thrive
When you say “came up” I assumed you meant with leaves
I do not consider a tail “coming up