MTVs' 'Jersey Shore' = a disgrace against true and proud Italians. Like me!


Well-Known Member
What part of the Jersey shore does this show take place at?Im guessing Atlantic City thats were I would always see these stereotypical Italians at.

Kodank Moment

Well-Known Member
So I'm half italian and I think these douche bags are funny. If your really italian you pay no mind to these chode bags...because technically...excuse my language...they are the "niggers" of the know the ignorant ones with no sense of self respect? Let em be...nature will take its course.

And on a side note...I hit a girl once..she was 5'10" and like 165. I was kicking her out of a party she wasn't invited to and I turned around to drink some water...and she rushed me..she hit me 3 times before I hit her back ONCE. I was stuck in the corner between a counterop and a wall. No way ouy but to check her. She landed on her ass and stumbled around...and I still feel bad.

To all you faggots saying that if a girl was TALKING shit...not actually hitting you that you'd hit her...your a disgrace to men everywhere. I'm not saying never hit a girl because sometimes its justified but just because some loud mouth 4'10 italian girl talks some shit gives you NO right to hit her. You have just as big a pussy as the girl you hit. Personally I would have stabbed him with a beer bottle but then again that's just me.


Well-Known Member
Every race has its subset which brings down the rest...

niggas, cholos, wiggas, guidos...

You're better off just letting the steroid induced rage kill off these MTV retards.


me too. i looked and looked and still no couldnt see a pic. whatever ITS ALL GOOD, hes got an imaginary gf, whatever floats his boat.
hey trollface, still being a douche there?

how unfortunate


stays relevant.
i saw the episode and the screen went black for a moment. apparently MTv decided not to show it. she got hit hard. :cry:


it's funny, all the news shows are saying they shouldn't show the clip, as they show the clip.



stays relevant.
[QUOTE="SICC";3549301]as i scrolled down i started laughing harder and harder[/QUOTE]
lol i know... mtv is desperately trying to cover this up and turn it into some opportunity to lecture non violent americans about "domenstic violence" which this has nothing to do with.

this bitch got laiiiiid the fuck out.


[QUOTE="SICC";3549362]LOL if you look at it he punches that fat Asian guy too :lol:[/QUOTE]

yeah man thats what i said lol he hits him in the nose on the way past


stays relevant.
i want to edit this .gif so that her head flys off, animated blood squirts out and then "FLAWLESS VICTORY... FATALITY" shows up on the screen :x