MTVs' 'Jersey Shore' = a disgrace against true and proud Italians. Like me!


Well-Known Member
Hey hey hey. let me get my Ma to cook you some pasta * screams mom*

She said to tell you to," FOOGETABOUTIT!"

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
Heres my 2 cents....i didnt read all responses ima go back afterwards but i am shocked that these actors arent being charged with criminal charges. You know whats rediculous is that if some kid films a fight at school he is labeled as a monster but than mtv can air this show and its cool? I saw that girl getting rocked in the face in someones avatar or something recently but didnt realize it was this show and where are the dudes beating the shit out of that guy?

I have only seen one episode the tv was on mtv and i wake up to this yelling and than some dudes are beefin and the guy in the show is talkin crap and the other guys gf starts swingin on him AND THE DUDE IS HIDING BEHIND HIS GF SWINGIN TOO!!! The guy (pauly?...i think theyre all named pauly)gets the guy and rocks him for a good 45 seconds and took one good shot to the was awesome. I just think its interesting that they cfan do it.

Oh yeah and the funniest thing ever......the newscaster says shes shocked and that this should have never been shown its disgusting lets see that in slow motion 3 more times lol what a hypocrite. Anywaysx i gotta go jersey shore just started.