Much appreciated

dave bong

Hi there chaps, I'm in a dilemma and need advice, I'm 5 weeks into flowering, and I've just realized that my timer hasn't been switching my light off for about 5 days now, so they've been getting 24 hours of light and I've only just realized, what shall I do? And will this affected the plants in any way, please someone help me thanks in advance.


Active Member
If you get it promptly back to 12/12 you should be okay. Although 5 days is quite along time and could have put the plant in shock.


Well-Known Member
This is a hard one if it was a strain called dutch passion blueberry the answer would be no.If it is a hard strain then it should be ok.If it was me i would work out how many dark hours that you have lost and put them in a total blackout for that time then continue with 12/12 off.


Active Member
No shock, some growers actually use that as a technique to increase harvests. Throw the plant back into veg for a week or two to stretch out the nodes, allowing for more sites for flower formation. Go 12/12 and stick to it now.


New Member
Get em back on the right schedule and you'll be fine.

Last night i was waiting with a mate for it to all turn off [should turn off at 1:20am] and it didnt, by 1:40 am i checked the timer and it'd somehow got switched off. I'm so glad we stayed to check... Luckily i know it was only 1 day because the day before they were turned off in the morning. Best part is, it's autoflowering so for me it isnt a problem at all.

You shouldnt have any problems either. Just keep an eye out, make sure it doesnt happen again otherwise it will start to stress the plant.


Active Member
I've had soo many timers break. It sucks because how are you gonna know if your lights aren't turning off like they are supposed to when you aren't there. Like I said, some people do it on purpose, no biggy.

dave bong

Thanks for the info chaps, I'm going to leave them in darkness for 24 hrs, then 12/12 , btw 3 are blueberry dutch passion and 3 are big buddah cheese.


Active Member
MJ is a pretty stong plant, regardless of the strain. Giv'em a blackout then 12/12 till harvest and you'll be fine. Good luck! bongsmilie