Mudballs alternate germination method-pre inoculating discussions

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
Please, don't mix me up with Uncle Buck. I present facts based on experience, not hypothesis, theories or hype.

@Uncle Buck
"That's a legume specific bacteria, not myco. Mychorizzae actually enables a plant to absorb P better. According to studies, it's also useless when applied to pots.

Being a farmer I innoculate with myco before planting perennials IF the soil's been disturbed mechanically. I innoculate legumes such as hairy vetch and yellow sweet clover with their respective bacterial innoculants which will fix atmospheric N via root nodes. I also treat the seeds before sowing with a wetting agent consisting of milk, water, and molasses to help fix the powder and provide a smidgeon of nourishment to the seed. Whether the latter works or not is anybody's guess. Perhaps it's a feel good thing for me.


i know that's legume specific bact. that's why this journal uses Oregonism for cannabis. aside from our disagreements elsewhere in the forum if you can keep it academic here i'd be happy to discuss it further.