Multi 100 Watt CFL - Multi Strain - 12 / 12 From Seed - Perpetural Grow


Well-Known Member
Lookin real nice, I've been following this thread since I joined. Even though you're not getting the weight you wanted it should still smoke well right?! And yes, the learning experience and equipment you've picked up along the way is whats going to make your next grow awesome.

Good luck on your next grow, two cabs should be much better, you can start vegging while the previous batch is flowering. Thinking about something similar as I have space to build a similar sized veg cab next to the closet.
Thanks, and yeah the smoke I got off all my plants was good danky dank. Gettin' me real stupid haha.

Yeah the plan is to veg for a month or two, then flower for two months, and eventually start to harvest every 2 months. A small time perpetual grow. Veg cab is 3ft tall and about 4 1/2ft long. The flower cab will be 6ft tall and 3 by 3 wide n depth.


Well-Known Member
Actually miss counted and today is day 56 week 8. So I am going to get some pictures up of her here in a bit.


Well-Known Member
Well here is Bonnie, day 56, week 7 from sprout, 12/12 from seed. She smells very sour at the moment, but the newly added ANBC might change that smell. She has a great, great, cover of trichs. Some of the leaves are still a little rough but eh, the bud and new leaves all look happy. I hope the ANBB also helps fatten her up, I'm expecting maybe 3 gram solid nug from her, but I still might stretch her out for 3 more weeks, and she might get a couple weeks under the 600w HPS, so who knows. Anyways, enough with the talk, here are some pics.



Well-Known Member
Well Bonnie is 60 days old today, thought I'd share some pictures. She has really been fattening up and smelling a lot stronger this last week, so I might give her another week or so then chop.


virus effect

Active Member
Not trying to be a dink and its a very intersting plant for sure but whats the point of a plant that yields 3 grams and takes 60 days
Ither way i guess it didnt take up alot of realistate :P nice grow


Well-Known Member
Not trying to be a dink and its a very intersting plant for sure but whats the point of a plant that yields 3 grams and takes 60 days
Ither way i guess it didnt take up alot of realistate :P nice grow
It's all about the experience. I learned a lot during the process of each plant I grow. Plus there isn't a point to get rid of it if it's not in the way of my other grows. As long as it's not in the way, grow it, thats bud you didn't have before and I much rather of grew this plant in 2 months then not having a plant at all. I still have seeds to this plant and could do better with vegging for longer and flowering under HPS, it could be a strain that finishes faster then others, and I can cross that with other strains, or I could of just trashed it for no reason.

Plus it wasn't the only plant I had going and it's still not the only plant, I have about 7 plants vegging right now waiting to go under the HPS this was with all CFLs and 12/12 from seed. If you have a strong enough passion for cannabis culture you will understand what you gain from a 1g plant to a 1 lbs plant besides how long it took to get a certain amount.


Well-Known Member
Well I threw Bonnie into darkness last night, and will harvest her tomorrow morning after 36 hours of darkness. I will post pictures once harvested. Again, like I said, I'm expecting about an eighth, probably less. She was fun and I finished her in around 2 months, so pretty fast compared to my other plants, but expecting about a fourth of the harvest. This strain was just odd and genetics weren't the best but it was fun.

After this the thread will be finished, the CFLs are now being used in the veg cab, which I am now vegging 7 plants. Started 4 more today; expecting sprouts in a few days. Then after they hit around 2 feet I'll be throwing them into the new 600w HPS flower cab. Some will go in earlier, some later, just to have some fun with this new light.


Well-Known Member
You ok my friend?


Yeah man, just waiting for stuff to happen around here. Got like 2-4 new seedlings, some at a month, some at a couple weeks.

Bonnie ended up at around 2 and a half grams, finished in 62 days I think. Smokes really good, smells pretty damn sweet, taste is really smooth, kind of sweet and sour taste. Good bud over all, but the new plants of it now are doing pretty bad I think.


It's all about the experience. I learned a lot during the process of each plant I grow. Plus there isn't a point to get rid of it if it's not in the way of my other grows. As long as it's not in the way, grow it, thats bud you didn't have before and I much rather of grew this plant in 2 months then not having a plant at all. I still have seeds to this plant and could do better with vegging for longer and flowering under HPS, it could be a strain that finishes faster then others, and I can cross that with other strains, or I could of just trashed it for no reason.

Plus it wasn't the only plant I had going and it's still not the only plant, I have about 7 plants vegging right now waiting to go under the HPS this was with all CFLs and 12/12 from seed. If you have a strong enough passion for cannabis culture you will understand what you gain from a 1g plant to a 1 lbs plant besides how long it took to get a certain amount.
Lets see some pics of the chop


Well-Known Member
Thinks he is a gonner


Haha nah. It took awhile to finally get around to going to see how much the would cost for my 6x3x3 flower cab and it would of cost me as much as a tent. So we decided to just turn my whole closet into my flower box, and figuring out a veg box down the road.

The closest will be wonderful to work in, it's probably 7-8ft tall, like 3ft ish feet deep, and like 5 feet long. So awesome space for some big 5gallon bucket plants.

Besides that nothing has been going on really. Got one plant vegging, thats about it haha.
pretty cool man, im basically doing the same thing as you and expecting some good yields so it was nice to see someone with a similar set up have a go haha. cant wait to see whats to come
