multi strain grow journal


Well-Known Member
lol..dang man $400 a month..i would have to sell my house..or sell bud to pay it..but with those kind of harvests I would have to say $400 a month isnt that bad..


yeah its a bit but got a family and kids so it hides itself.and its just over 1 oz so not to bad when you think about it


hey fellow rollers,all the best for 2009 and hope you all had a messy xmas and new year from what i can remember i did.sorry no pics but our digital camera got smashed over xmas so no porn at the moment maybe in a week or so .what i can say is i had a couple of auto flowering lowrider X ak47 which came out after 77 days just before new years and got just over 5 OZs. they didnt have the best conditions but good enough to produce some nice nuggs.the buds where not as solid as usual but the smoke is nice,i wont grow them again though so that sort of says it all.hopefully have some pics next week have you ever seen the brazilian rain forest if not stay tuned.


Well-Known Member
good luck on the 2009 summer gorilla grows out there. remember when you find that spot , and your sure theres no way anyone will ever come across your shit, go further in ....just to be sure. plant in multiple spots just in case. start bringing in tools and crap months before you start planting. good luck everyone


Active Member
I've got some feminized Strawberry Cough beans that I'm gonna germ this weekend and they came with some "Thai Super Skunk" freebies. Since this grow had both strains, I was wondering how they turned out. Did the Strawberry Cough finish in eight? Was it a nice cereberal high?

Did the Thai Super Skunk really take 12-14 weeks? Did it ever stop stretching? How did it smoke?



I've got some feminized Strawberry Cough beans that I'm gonna germ this weekend and they came with some "Thai Super Skunk" freebies. Since this grow had both strains, I was wondering how they turned out. Did the Strawberry Cough finish in eight? Was it a nice cereberal high?

Did the Thai Super Skunk really take 12-14 weeks? Did it ever stop stretching? How did it smoke?


hello harolrdzidler, just to let you know about these couple of strains.had a couple of problems with these plants only because they got to big for the size of the bags they were in so they didnt fullfil there potential but they were both looking good.yes the thai does take that long.they both grow so fast strecht wise that is so be careful on the size of your pots and the size you want your plants,but yes both are well worth the smoke:peace:


Well-Known Member
what's up drifter!? been a things been? so the smoke on the Caugh was good huh? thats good to know..yeah I have been reading how it stretches so I will have to do some good planning then..but thats cool..I look forward to it..was there any strawberry in the flavor?


what's up drifter!? been a things been? so the smoke on the Caugh was good huh? thats good to know..yeah I have been reading how it stretches so I will have to do some good planning then..but thats cool..I look forward to it..was there any strawberry in the flavor?
hey there superman,yeah long time just been flat the fuk out ya know life ,family stuff and just got back from holiday.

it stretches all right its great if you want a xmas tree,cant say i could taste strawberry very sweet though they didnt have the best of it because they got so big so fast but i will be trying them in bigger pots at a later stage so i could give you a better description.i have just started to do brazil in big pots which i was very happy with on the smaller scale it is nice smoke almost a mango flavor.
also just sprouted a couple of new strains,big bang,whiteberry & wonder woman so i will let you know the quality of those.:peace:


Well-Known Member
sounds great man..thanks for the info..and yeah I know what you mean about the whole life thing..its good to see people like yourself keeping the important things do you think it would be wise to maybe start the strawberry cough like a week later than the other strains i will be growing like Lemon Skunk and Trainwreck? also nice choice on your other strains...I will look forward to see how they turn out! take it easy my friend~


sounds great man..thanks for the info..and yeah I know what you mean about the whole life thing..its good to see people like yourself keeping the important things do you think it would be wise to maybe start the strawberry cough like a week later than the other strains i will be growing like Lemon Skunk and Trainwreck? also nice choice on your other strains...I will look forward to see how they turn out! take it easy my friend~

yeah man that sounds good other wise you can just give it a prune up so you get the size you want,but the most important thing will be the size of your pots just make sure they are big enough to take the size of the roots bigger the better and it will be done 8-9 weeks.

p.s had another 9 hour trimming session the other day well worth it though cant beat AK-47 just such a good producer,i am a bit paranoid about putting up photos anymore had a close encounter with a helicopter over xmas,the old heart was racing that night let me tell you:peace:


Well-Known Member
dang man I bet so..that would be a scary feeling..but thanks for the advice..I am definitely going to go with bigger pots this time around..and btw..9hrs..that is a lot of bud trimming..congrats though my friend..can't wait to hear how your next grow goes!


Active Member
they got to big for the size of the bags they were in
How big where your bags? I read through the thread but I didn't see a reference, sorry if I missed it.

but yes both are well worth the smoke:peace:
After 14weeks it had better be right? Holy shit that is forever. I may just have to drop those super skunks outside somewhere this spring and mark the location in my GPS then check on them come September ;-)


ok fellow rollers its been a while but after crawling thru the jungle i created i have gone back to re evaluate my multi strain journel which will continue but maybe not as in depth until harvest pics because the basic growing procedures are still the same which can be seen earlier in this thread so any ? more than welcome.

here are some pics of brazil amazonia 1 week into flower and my ozone filter which i should have put up years ago just never got round to it.




hello fellow rollers.i have taken measures to rid myself of fungus gnats with a mite called a hyper mite here is some info but you will have to check if you can get it in your country

Hypoaspis aculeifer – Predator mite​
Hypo-Mite™ is a soil-dwelling predatory mite that feeds on fungus gnats (mycetophilids, sciarid flies) and other insects, mites and nematodes in soil and growing media.​
Hypo-Mite™ is known to be useful in greenhouse vegetable and ornamental crops, including bulbs, as part of an integrated pest management programme.​
The Pest – Fungus gnats

Fungus gnats are small, dark, two-winged flies with long legs similar to mosquitoes. Adults are approximately 3 mm long and are weak, erratic fliers. They are more prevalent in greenhouses, but may also become numerous outdoors.​
The larvae of fungus gnats are white or transparent and are legless, and have a shiny black head. They are usually found just below the soil surface in association with decaying plant material, moss and algae.​
The life cycle of fungus gnats takes approximately 25 days at temperatures above 20 °C.​
Ideal conditions for fungus gnat outbreaks are high humidity, high soil or growing media organic matter, water-saturated soil or growing media, presence of moss and algae and decaying plant material.​
Fungus gnat larvae cause damage to plants by feeding on the roots. Fungus gnats can also spread plant fungal disease throughout a greenhouse on adults, and by larvae through the soil.​
Signs and symptoms of fungus gnats include:​

  • Plants lack vigour and leaves may turn yellow
  • Small brown scars are evident on roots, and root hairs are eaten off
  • With heavy larval infestations, plants can be weakened severely and die
The Solution – Hypo-Mite™

Hypo-Mite™ is a small pale brown mite with a distinct V-shaped dorsal shield. Adult mites are 0.5-1.0 mm long and are commonly found in the top few centimetres of soil or compost.​
Females lay their eggs near the soil surface, and these hatch into six-legged larvae. There are two further nymph stages and a life cycle can be completed in 10 days at 25 °C, but can vary from 7-30 days depending on temperature.​
Below 12 °C, Hypo-Mite™ becomes inactive, and development stops when temperatures fall below 8 °C. The species does not hibernate (diapause) and is able to survive for 6-8 weeks without prey by feeding on decaying organic matter.​
Hypo-Mite™ uses its saw-like mouth parts to puncture and slice prey tissue which is then sucked up leaving a shrivelled prey body. They prefer feeding on younger fungus gnat larvae, and adults can consume 1-5 prey per day. Both adult and immature Hypo-Mite™ are predatory.​
Hypo-Mite™ is also a predator of thrips pupae in the soil, however, alone they do not provide sufficient control of thrips.​
Hypo-Mite™ is not considered harmful to humans or animals, and no environmental effects are expected.​
Environmental Conditions

Hypo-Mite™ survives well in most greenhouse conditions and is not harmed by regular watering, although flooded or waterlogged areas are not tolerated. Optimum conditions for development are 20-30 °C, and soil temperatures above 30 °C are harmful.​
Hypo-Mite™ will survive in most potting mixes, rockwool and perlite.​
Release rate

Greenhouse crops: Use 1 litre per 100 square metres, or,
one litre per cubic metre growing media Outdoor crops: Use 20 litres per hectare
Repeated applications may be needed for heavy pest infestations.​

Hypo-Mite™ is supplied in a mixture of vermiculite and mould as a food source for the mites. There are 10,000 mites per litre of mixture.​
Release and Storage Instructions​
Hypo-Mite™ need the following handling and treatment:​
On arrival, release Hypo-Mite™ as soon as possible​

  • Hypo-Mite™ can be stored for a maximum of 2 days at 10-15 °C
  • Sprinkle the mixture on the soil around infested plants, or incorporate into the growing media before potting-up plants
Post release

Hypo-Mite™ may take 2-3 weeks to exert an effect on pest populations. Hypo-Mite™ can be hard to find in soil or growing media, therefore monitor pest numbers to determine the need for further releases.​
Re-application of Hypo-Mite™ is recommended to ‘hot spots’ should some pests remain.​
Before introducing Hypo-Mite™ into your crop please check residual chemical affects and ensure you know chemical compatibilities of products that may be applied.​
A list of compatible pesticides and withholding periods can be found in the publication ‘The Good Bug Book’


hey rollers just an update on the brazil after 5 weeks of flowering its looking good smells great tacky as well it is not as big as the ak i have done but we will see.

also there is a barney farms blue cheese which is only about 1 and a half weeks of flower or just over.beautiful plant love it

and my last ak i will do because it has some traits in it which i do not like or wont in my finished product which is about 2 and a half to 3 weeks

and for superman here is a strawberry cough about 2 and a half to 3 weeks on stretched about 1and a half to 2 feet once it was flicked to flower so watch your space you have the last 4 photos

my next grow will be the blue cheese yum yum.

also i will do el nino,hymaliyian gold and whiteberry-regular so hopefully she will be a girl, all for a bit of variety.




Well-Known Member
Thanks brother! you are never kidding when you put the title "Jungle" on your are all looking awesome! as always I love your setup..and yes I am jealous!.. :-)..your the man dude..the Strawberry Coughs are looking yummy..can't wait to get mine nice and you been?


Thanks brother! you are never kidding when you put the title "Jungle" on your are all looking awesome! as always I love your setup..and yes I am jealous!.. :-)..your the man dude..the Strawberry Coughs are looking yummy..can't wait to get mine nice and you been?

:lol: yeah m8 brazilian jungle smells great,sweet & fruity smell and very tacky for 5 weeks,i really like this strain for its tatse and high,but have seen a few seed cases in it so i think i will get rid of this strain i dont wont bad genes that one day may seed everything.

depending on how the cough goes i will do 3 big plants of that soon so that will be interesting its coming into winter over here so it may go really purple cant wait for a decent smoke of the cough :joint:

i havent been to bad superman but i put my neck out which has slowed me down,mispent youth with alcahol and cars has left me with a bad back and neck,it gets better after a week and then goes out ever 3-4 months it sux but i live with it.bongsmiliebongsmilie