Taken this morning.
ID has started to turn purple at the buds. Has been getting cold at night but the others are still green so it's just bringing her natural color out, sooner.
Frozen mystery has a slight tendency to turn purple at the buds but late in flower.
Blind Date has 2 weeks to go but I'm waiting 3 to 3.5 weeks. Maybe cut her on the solstice even for shits & giggles. She's very thick and dense with TONS of trikes.
Triple white widow is ugly as sin but is the loudest plant I've ever grown! But growing in fox tail formation with way more trikes than any others (hence the TRIPLE, well part of the reason). FM completely dwarfs her but whoa does she smell gnarly

Frozen Mystery sidea view. Best I could get with a shot of triple widow next to her. Remember, she's had problems since day one but I figured "why not?!" May be ugly but that smell... Nice and dense being fox tails, too.

Frozen Mystery- right side main cola top with a can in there for comparison. The cans' bottom is where the "bud" all starts to fill in as one!

ID- one of her side branches. Her mom turns purple 50-60% of the time so this was my hopes. Our indoor runs only had a hint of purple each and so now I'm curious to find put if her and full moons offspring will turn purple. Hmm