Multiple Problems? Idk


Really new at growing and I've been through multiple nutrient deficiency guides etc. but I still can't seem to figure out what I have going wrong with my plants - I'm posting 4 pics with descriptions of each plant (symptoms etc.) I'm using a miracle gro watering fertilizer with NPK ( 18, 18, 21 ) and the soil they are in is a composite of top soil, steer manure, and a general compost. They are still indoors for now, eventhough I'll be transplanting them outdoors within a week (hopefully) - the strain is Holland's Hope. Any help would be greatly appreciated - thanks


Pic 1 - Plant in foreground is experiencing yellowing of small rounded leaves, brown-deadish look at very tips and along the perimeter of the leaves, also one of the main jagged leaves is growing up and to the side (almost appears as if it might be trying to twist?). This plant's stem is also quite red towards the bottom - about half of the stem looks red. Plant in background has drooping leaves as well - it appears very healthy except for the drooping leaves aspect
Pic 2 - Close up of symptoms on the previously discussed plant in the foreground of Pic 1 - notice the strange leaf and discoloration of the leaves
Pic 3 - Close up of another problem plant (a new one) - notice the extensive browning and dead-like appearance of the tips of all the leaves - this is not yellowing but a light tan dead like appearance that is seemingly starting at the edges of the leaves and progressing inwards. Also very new growth ( not visible in picture ) on the plant appears to exhibit more or less the same symptoms on a smaller scale. This plant also has a stem that is quite red - however it is only the bottom half of the stem.
Pic 4 - Plant discussed in Pic 1 background - ( I call her the Queen ) - Her leaves seem to be a little droopy and I was concerned with it. Probably just new grower paranoia.


Active Member
Purely nute burn. Miracle gro KILLS plants when they are too young. I don't use any nutes for 2 weeks, personally...miracle gro is way too nute-rich.


Whew ok thanks guys, I'll cut the use of miracle gro immediately. Is there any possible way that there would be a turnaround in these plants? Can I do anything to salvage them?


Active Member
Transplant them ASAP into topsoil (In my opinion). That could still stress them, but honestly that's your best bet. No nutes, just watering when they need it. Keep posting pics and updates and I'll help as much as I can.


Those plants are much too young for any nutes especially miracle gro. Like david recommended i would replant in different soil and simply water only when necessary. I have learned to not use miracle gro, it is so easy to over feed. good luck