Multiple Problems?? Multiple Diagnosis??


Well-Known Member
So I got some Agent 99 clones from a club which are a lavendar sour D cross, and something has happened that I have never seen before. Right now they are in veg under 1200w of HPS, fans cooling the light and breezing the plants

They are in rockwool cubes 4x4 i transplanted them about a week ago from soil and it is so strange, the plants are each showing different signs of deficiencies, some have brown spots with leaves curling down which i know is phosphorus some have no spots and the leaves are bending upwards in the middle which is magnesium,some have dark leaves while others have light green, some have vein stripage which i know is zinc... and some look perfectly fine!! now none of em look that bad but i am just a perfectionist and want to flower in 2 days
temps are about 70-85 throughout the day
ph is balanced 5.5-6.0
GH 3 stage nutes
I had a spider mite problem but dipped in neem oil and safer soap mixture and have pretty much eliminated em so i know that caused some of the stress

but i have never had plants show so many different signs of different problems i am planning on flushing them all out since i am about to bloom but i just dont know if i should foliar feed each of them with what they need or just flush em out and let em come around with fresh nutes... anyone else experienced this or have any suggestions??



Well-Known Member
why is it not good to foliar feed? i have foliar fed with no problems in the past only when lights are off with diamond chi a few drops of h202 and bloom formula?


Well-Known Member
with multiple problems it`s probably locking up from the nutes. what have you been giving them and what for soil?


Well-Known Member
well they were in 2 inch pots with jiffy cubes but i transplanted them into 4x4 rockwool cubes for my hydroponic system. when i first transplanted i fed nothing but ph balanced water mixed in with hydroguard, h202 and dissolved rooting hormone. they rooted nicely after about four days then i fed them with a 5.5 balanced grow solution. they perked up after the transplant then had been slightly droopy and showing signs of a phosphorus def. a couple days after i fed them but looking good so i foliar fed them once with a solution of h202, diamond nectar and GH bloom which perked em up a little bit

to combate the mites i dunked them yesterday in a neem oil/ safer soap/no wilt solution.

Overall they do look very good and pretty healthy its just that in the past i have grown hogs breath and several different strains and crosses of northern lights and this one strand seems to be quite finicky and hard to please. in the past after this span of time (about 10-12 days) they have perked up tremendously and started "reaching for the light" as i like to call it where all of the leaves are angled slightly up and a nice lucious green color.

Its just strange because i have never had a problem where so many different plants have different symptoms its just strange

I think I am going to get a reverse osmosis machine tomorrow, flush them out really well with water and feed them with a half strength bloom nute formula and wait 2 days before i clone them and switch to 12/12

what do you guys think? I wish i had a digi camera so i could post pics becaus i know my rambling doesnt make much sense


Well-Known Member
thats what we are here for. the guy that posted that knows his stuff and has never steered me wrong. big mmj advocate in aussie. good luck


Well-Known Member
ya that had some good info on it I def bookmarked it... well i ran in today and they are looking a million times better! I think the spider mites were stressin em out and making them droop a little bit but they look great now reachin towards the heavens! im going to flush them out today, feed em and clone em tomorrow! thanks again for all the replies.. By the way Im about to start my 80 site 2400w vertical grow in the next few days so once it gets rollin ill make a nice lil journal for yall!


Well-Known Member
dont clone them when you nute them or flush them. you need to clone before you nute or it can sometimes cause issuse. and the stress of the flush can screw them to. it would be best to clone first and then flush and feed too help recover from cloning. thats just the way i`ve done it, and i`m sure soil and hydro in that sence would be the same.


Well-Known Member
sounds good to me.. i am wondering if the water in my county is causing the issues... i live in northern california a little south of san jose im going to get a ppm tester tomorrow to test it out but may just say eff it and buy a RO machine


Well-Known Member
i learnt the hard way with buying my equiptment. trying to save money and buying the basic stuff, then once i learned more about growing i ended up buying the better quality items. expensive leason, spend cheep - spend twice.
another option is a ph/ppm combo pen?


Well-Known Member
i have been growing for a few years and i always use good equip but before I moved from texas I sold a bunch of my stuff but now that i have a card and its legal in cali i wanted to start back up so i am buying all new stuff again.. i had well water where i lived so i never needed a RO or anything so im trying to adapt to my new conditions


Active Member
I am having problems with my plant. The leaves seems to have brown spots and are dying away, starting with the largewr ones . The stem also has some sort of white stuff growing up it?? any help would be greatfull. This is my first plant, and is growing outdoor.
