Mulvaney: no evidence feeding hungry kids improves performance


Well-Known Member

first of all, wrong. there is a mountain of evidence proving that children perform better when they are nourished, rather than starved.

secondly, maybe there is some other benefit to feeding hungry children?


Well-Known Member

first of all, wrong. there is a mountain of evidence proving that children perform better when they are nourished, rather than starved.

secondly, maybe there is some other benefit to feeding hungry children?
i would much rather have my taxes go to trumps frequent golfing vacations or a giant useless wall... sorry kids, cant help you anymore!.. melania needs the money for security because she wont even stay in the same house as her creepy cheetoh man

Fender Super

Well-Known Member
If that is not liberal intolerance i do not know what is but thanks for showing which side of the isle has the biggest bigot.
Tolerance doesn't include tolerating intolerance. Right-wingers are destroying the planet. They must be stopped, BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY.


Well-Known Member
wtf... i didnt realize you could actually live with actual ice coursing through your veins. Must be no verses in "Two Corinthians" about feeding the hungry! Party of God now doesnnt wanna feed poor people, almost like it never really was as Christian as it claimed! Shocker! Who wudda thunk!