Munch Box Chompin Cotton Candy

munch box

Well-Known Member
Am I ready to flower my clone yet or what? I figure its been vegging for about a month now. How tall should I let it get. Any ideas

munch box

Well-Known Member
So the transplant went well just in case anybody was wondering. I now have her in a 5 gallon pail so shes ready to bloom just as soon as I get the word.

munch box

Well-Known Member
you can flower a clone as soon as you see the roots growing....
I'm looking to get more than five ounces off this one. Need this to be strong and healthy with as many colas on top as possable. I want to shoot for a half pound. can it be done?

munch box

Well-Known Member
I've made a few adjustments. now i have the drippers hooked up and am LST on some branches because I want her huge. so what do you guys think? should this type of NFT system work for flowering in my cab as well? I feed it 23 times a day right now for 15 minutes in the hygroton clay.



Active Member
hey whatsup munch box i like your thread but i see you live in the bay area as in tampa or as in san franisco and i want to grow a larger sum but there is always police helicopters flying around here like i see 2 or 3 a week so i am not sure of adding more

hey have anyone seen the infared blocker film thingy where they are supposed to block police from seeing the ligths do they really work or what should i do

munch box

Well-Known Member
wtf. ya man i'm glad you support my thread bro thats great.the best defense against infared is anti-infared insulation ... but you need to go somewhere else with that shit. this is not one of those kinds of threads. its a journal. don't take this the wrong way but what its NOT is a grower support hotline. not sure how you diverted my threads attention from flowering to infared, but i think you managed to to make it happen. so have you been doing homework on me? where did you here i live in the bay?

munch box

Well-Known Member
well whatever man i dunno. say hello first next time or something. This threads been going on for a long time. probly too long. nobodys up in here cuz i need more action. there has got to be more than just 2 bays. There is a bay in washington too. and also the chesapeake bay in virginia and a few other ones. where do i get some of that infared film?